Has anyone ever died on a roller coaster? | Yahoo Answers

has anyone died on a roller coaster at cedar point

has anyone died on a roller coaster at cedar point - win

The Walking Dead: As Blood Dries. Chapter 17: "Living Past Tomorrow"

Chapter 17: Living Past Tomorrow
[The Group walked down the road leading to the island that Cedar Point rested on. On their sides, Lake Erie lay still, with only moonlight shining upon it.]
Nolan: “How much longer?”
Samuel: “Couple more minutes, don’t worry…”
Nolan: “Ugh!”
Jacob: “Dude, seriously… all you do is complain about how much your feet hurt.”
Nolan: “Because they are!”
Myles: “The days of walking are nearly over, quit your complaining…”
Jeneva: “Hopefully…”
Myles: “They will be…”
Sally: “Ah!”
[Suddenly, Sally falls to her knees, holding her stomach.]
Kenneth: “Sally? What’s wrong?”
Sally: “Nothing… just a cramp…”
[Sally slowly got up.]
Sally: “Let's keep moving…”
Kenneth: “Okay…”
[The group continued further, passing through the parking lot. Soon they reached the gate, which was pretty unimpressive for such a grand amusement park.]
Samuel: “Everybody ready? Stick to the plan and stay close to each other. And keep quiet.”
Christa: “We got it…”
Samuel: “Good, let’s go…”
[Samuel walks in past the gate first, pushing the turnstile and entering the roller coaster capital of the world. He takes a couple steps in and scans the surrounding area.]
Samuel: “Looks clear… come on in…”
Horence: “Come on, guys…”
Dean: “We’re right behind ya…”
[The rest of the group enters behind Samuel. As they enter, someone watches from a couple miles behind, hiding behind an abandoned car.]
Man: “What are they doing?”
[The group looks around the main area of the park, searching for signs of the dead. Samuel walks near a candy shop.]
Samuel: “This place will do…”
Kenneth: “We're staying there for the night?”
Samuel: “Yeah…”
[Samuel tried to open the door but it refused to open, locked.]
Samuel: “Shit.”
Kenneth: “I’ll check the back--”
[Sally runs behind Kenneth and into the nearby restroom.]
Kenneth: “The hell?”
Samuel: “Go, I’ll get the back…”
[Kenneth follows Sally into the restroom and finds her throwing up in a toilet.]
Kenneth: “Uh… you okay?”
Sally: “Yeah… I’m fine… it’s just…”
Kenneth: “What?”
Sally: “Nothing… nothing… I just think I ate something bad…”
Kenneth: “You sure?”
Sally: “Yeah…”
Kenneth: “What did you eat?”
Sally: “I don't know… expired can or something…”
Kenneth: “Okay… you able to move?”
Sally: “Yeah… of course…”
Kenneth: “Let’s go help the others…”
[Kenneth exited the restroom. Sally put her hands on her stomach.]
Sally: “Fuck…”
[Sally followed behind. Void stood in the middle of the park's main pathway, looking up in the distance to a tall, blue roller coaster.]
Aubrey: “What are you looking at?”
Void: “Millennium Force.”
Aubrey: “Millennium Force?”
Void: ‘It’s that tall blue roller coaster in the distance… over there?”
Aubrey: “Wait? You’ve been here before?”
Void: “Yeah… before the dead started walking…”
[Suddenly, the door to the candy shop swung open.]
Samuel: “Alright! Come on in, guys!”
Kenneth: “How’d you get in?”
Samuel: “Kicked the back door down.”
Jacob: “Enough chatting, let’s sleep.”
[The group entered the candy store, when everyone was in, Samuel shut the door behind himself. Outside, near the park entrance, the man approached the gate.]
Man: “Hmmm…”
[Suddenly, a voice came from his radio.]
Voice: “Kruger? You there?”
Kruger: “Yeah, I’m entering the park now…”
Voice: “Don’t get killed okay? Call me if you need back up…”
Kruger: “Like always… see you soon.”
Voice: “You too… over…”
[The radio went silent. The man pushed past the turnstile and entered the park. He immediately noticed the lamp lights coming from the candy store.]
Kruger: “Here, we go…”
[Hours later, the group discusses their plan to make sure the park is clear.]
Samuel: “Alright… this is the plan guys, Me, Christa, Jacob and Jenva will search that Disaster Transport ride, Markus, Ryan, Dean, and Horence will search will search the hotel, Lucas, Cynthia, Nolan and Myles will search the back of the park, around Mean Streak.”
Nolan: “Mean Streak?”
Void: “It’s that big wooden coaster near the back…”
Nolan: “Oh…”
Samuel: “Continuing on, Russell, Bonnie, Aubrey and Void will search that camp ground area and the water park.”
Void: “Uh, actually, could I search the area around Millennium Force?”
Samuel: “Not alone.”
Aubrey: “I’ll go with her…”
Samuel: “Fine, lastly, Becca will stay here and hold this place down… and look after that dog…”
Becca: “Prim.”
Samuel: “Yeah… well that's it, everyone get moving… and don’t get killed…”
Horence: “Sure thing, boss…”
Dean: “You say shit like that and you’re definitely going to die…”
Horence: “How about you not jinx me?”
Dean: “Sure…”
[The group exited the store.]
Tavia: “Main street, eh?”
Wyatt: “This will be a breeze… won’t take long at all, pretty sure this place is as good as dead…”
Tavia: “I hope… I’m so fucking tired of walking…”
Wyatt: “Me too… let’s hope this is home…”
[On the roof of a nearby building, Kruger watched as the group split up.]
Kruger: “Home, eh? I see now…”
[Samuel, Christa, Jacob and Jeneva walk over to Disaster Transport and look over the building.]
Jacob: “I doubt that there’s any dead in there?”
Christa: “We just gotta check…”
Jeneva: “It won’t take long, let’s go…”
[Samuel and Christa entered from the exit queue, Jacob and Jeneva enter from the entrance queue.]
Jacob: “You following?”
Jeneva: “Yeah? I’m right behind you…”
Jacob: “Good. Stay close, okay?”
Jeneva: “Yeah, yeah…”
[Jacob and Jenva walk through the entire queue line until they come on the ride’s track.]
Jeneva: “What type of roller coaster is this?”
Jacob: “It’s a bobsled.”
Jeneva: “Well, ain't this unique…”
Jacob: “Nah… this ride’s shit… I’m surprised they never removed it…”
Jeneva: “Must of had it’s fans…”
Jacob: “Yeah… like twelve people on internet forums…”
Jeneva: “Man, I miss technology…”
Jacob: “Could do with a good movie right about now…”
Jeneva: “Me too…”
Jacob: “Back to business… I’ll check the lift hill, you go check beneath the track.”
Jeneva: “Beneath the track?”
Jacob: “Go around back of the building, there should be an entrance that leads to storage.”
Jeneva: “If you know where it is, how about you do it?! I’ll get the lift hill…”
Jacob: “Nope! I'm already going up!”
[Jacob started to walk up the stairs next to the lift hill.]
Jeneva: “You son of a bitch…”
Jacob: “You’ll be fine! Just go!”
Jeneva: “Ugh!”
[Jeneva made her way back through the queue line and exited the enclosure. She looked around at the park’s skyline and smiled.]
Jeneva: “Those were the days…”
[Jeneva turned off her flashlight and walked around the building. She came upon a door to the enclosure’s grounds. She opened the door and looked in. It was dark. She turned on her flashlight and stepped into the dark abyss that lay ahead. She took a couple steps in when suddenly the door shut behind her, making a loud bang.]
Jeneva: “Shit!”
Jacob: “JENEVA?! You down there?!”
Jeneva: “Yeah! Door scared the crap out of me…”
Jacob: “Wimp!”
Jeneva: “Shut up…”
[Jeneva spun around scanning the area with her light. Suddenly, she heard a moan and turned around. Her light caught sight of a large, fat, woman, stumbling towards Jeneva, her jaw ripped completely off, blood pouring down what looked like a cedar fair company outfit.]
Jeneva: “Fuck!”
Cedar Fair Walker: “Ahrahh!”
[The undead woman lunged it’s arms forward, knocking the flashlight out of Jeneva’s hand. The flashlight hit the ground, breaking, and the room went completely dark.]
Jeneva: “Fuck! Jacob?!”
Jacob: “Jeneva?!”
[Jeneva heard the walker moaning and growling in the darkness.]
Cedar Fair Walker: “Uraahh!”
[Suddenly, Jacob’s flashlight came pouring down into the dark abyss, shining through the area looking for Jeneva.]
Jacob: “Jen?!”
Cedar Fair Walker: “Uragh!”
[The light caught Jeneva just as the fat woman came barreling towards her. Jeneva quickly dodged the walker, it running straight into the wall, bending into what would have been an uncomfortable situation for the person if they’d been living. The walker struggled to get up.]
Jeneva: “Holy fuck!”
Jacob: “Get out of there! Now!”
Jeneva: “Where’s the door! I got spun around!”
[Jacob shined the light towards the exit. Jeneva tried running towards the door but the walker grabbed her foot and tripped her. Jeneva fell face first to the ground.]
Jeneva: “Ugh! Ah…”
Jacob: “JEN?!”
[Jeneva turned around, as the fat walker crawled up to her, her front teeth nearing Jeneva’s neck, ready to pierce.]
Cedar Fair Walker: “Arughh!”
[The walker let out one final moan before the light of a flashlight shined upon its head. Suddenly, an arrow pierced through the cedar fair employee’s head, killing it. Jeneva pushed the walker off of her and looked towards the light. Samuel stood with his bow drawn, Christa’s light shining behind him.]
Samuel: “You okay?!”
Jeneva: “Y-Yeah…”
Christa: “You bit?”
Jeneva: “No… no…”
Jacob: “Jen?! You okay?!”
Jeneva: “I’m fine… thank you… asshole…”
Christa: “Hmm?’
Jeneva: “Nothing… he’s just being a jerk right now… sending me down here…”
Samuel: “Come on, exit’s this way…”
[Samuel opens the door, light form outside shining into the storage area. Christa and Jeneva exited the room. They walked back to the front of the ride.]
Samuel: “You sure you’re okay?”
Jeneva: “Yeah… I’m fine, don’t worry…”
Christa: “Good--”
[Jacob came running out of the queue line.]
Jacob: “You okay?! You bit?!”
[Jeneva slapped Jacob.]
Jacob: “Ah! The hell?!”
Jeneva: “Next time I say go do something yourself, you do it! Got it!”
Jacob: “Jeez! I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think there’d be a walker down there?!”
Jeneva: “Always assume that there’s a walker!”
Jacob: “Sorry…”
Christa: “She’s clean, Jacob… don’t worry…”
Jacob: “G-Good…”
Jeneva: “You’re lucky, I’m good… I would have bit out your neck first…”
Samuel: “Me and Christa scoured the rest of the storage area. It’s clear. I think that was the only walker in there.”
Jeneva: “We heading back to the candy shop?”
Samuel: “I was thinking of searching the beachfront, right back here next…”
Jeneva: “That works… let’s go…”
[They continue on and walk towards the beachfront. Elsewhere in the park, Aubrey and Void, walk towards Millennium Force.]
Aubrey: “Why’d you ask to search this ride?”
Void: “Why do you follow me around like a poodle?”
Aubrey: “Huh?”
Void: “Nothing…”
Aubrey: “Did you call me a poodle?”
Void: “Yeah…”
Aubrey: “Rude.”
Void: “Wha--”
Aubrey: “Why this ride?”
Void: “Because it’s my favorite…”
Aubrey: “When did you ride it?”
Void: “The day it opened… I think it was May 13th or 14th, the year of the millennials, 2000…”
Aubrey: “You were there on opening day?”
Void: “My dad was a huge roller coaster nerd… he’d drag me and my mom to all kinds of amusement parks to ride the next big thing… he had to force us to ride the world’s first roller coaster that was over three hundred feet tall, just had to…”
Aubrey: “Three hundred feet?! The fuck?!”
Void: “Yeah! Look at that thing! How tall did you think it was?!”
Aubrey: “Not that tall… sheez…”
Void: “My mom was scared of heights so just me and my dad rode it. We got to ride two seats away from the front. I still remember the breeze of the wind against my face… I wish I could feel that again… with my dad right next to me… smiling… enjoying the ride… but the world said no…”
Aubrey: “...”
Void: “Come on… let’s keep moving…”
[The girls continued further. From some distance behind, Kruger watched them.]
Kruger: “But the world said no… I feel you, kid…”
[Kruger turned on his radio.]
Kruger: “Takagi? I think I found my point of contact.”
Takagi: “Good, I’m on standby…”
Kruger: “See you in a bit…”
Takagi: “Same, over…”
Kruger: “Over…”
[Elsewhere, in the park’s hotel, Markus, Ryan, Dean and Horence searched the fourth floor, opening doors to luxurious rooms, making sure they were clear of the dead.]
Horence: “Man, could you imagine sleeping in a place like this?”
Dean: “Yeah… because that’s what we're doing tonight…”
Horence: “It’s funny… I would have never been able to afford a place like this back in the day… now we get to stay for free…”
Markus: “Don’t get too cocky, we need to make sure this place is safe first…”
Horence: “Yeah… I know…”
[Ryan opened a door and scanned the room.]
Ryan: “Clear.”
[Markus did the same.]
Markus: “Clear.”
Horence: “Every single one of these rooms is going to be clear guys… I don’t know why we’re wasting so much time scouring this place…”
Ryan: “Dude… we’re just making sure… this is to become a safe-zone… we need to make sure it's actually safe…”
Horence: “What do you think the safe-zone is going to be called? Cedar Safe-Zone?”
Dean: “No! That sounds stupid!”
Horence: “What would you call it?”
Dean: “I don’t know… just not that…”
Markus: “Focus, you nitwits…”
Horence: “We are focused, right Ryan?”
Ryan: “Nope.”
Horence: “Really… screw you man…”
Ryan: “Just shut up already… you’re giving me a headache…”
Horence: “WHAT?!”
Markus: “Horence?!”
Horence: “You guys are no fun…”
Markus: “We’re trying not to get killed…”
Horence: “There’s nothing in here, Markus… we’re wasting our time…”
Ryan: “We got all the time in the world, dude… chill out…”
Dean: “I’m chill…”
Ryan: “Not talking to you…”
Dean: “You don’t gotta be rude about it…”
Ryan: “Just get back to work… please…”
[Ryan opened another door and scanned the room.]
Ryan: “Clear.”
Horence: “I swear to god, you say ‘Clear’ one more time, I’m going to rip my ears out.”
Ryan: “Clear.”
Horence: “Fuck you.”
Dean: “Well, what are you waiting for? Rip your ears off!”
[Horence goes to open a nearby door. He faces Dean as he opens the door.]
Horence: “I wish…”
[Suddenly, a walker lunges out of the hotel room and grabs Horence, biting his ear off.]
Horence: “Ahh!!”
Dean: “Horence?!”
Markus: “You gotta be shitt’ me!”
Ryan: “Fuck!”
[Horence fell to the ground holding his wound. Dean slammed Prickly into the back of the walker’s head. Dean looked into the room where the walker came from and found it full of dead, all cramped into the one room. Their skin rips off of one another as they try to exit the room. One walker rips her entire back of skin off and lunges towards Dean, who dodges her. The walker lands on Horence, who was cradling his missing ear. She bites into his shoulder before getting shot by Markus.]
Horence: “Ahh! No!”
Ryan: “Horence! Move goddammit!”
Horence: “No! Fuck!”
Dean: “Fuck! Fuck! Shitters!”
Ryan: “Move!”
[Ryan slams a baseball bat into the skull of another walker. It lands on Horence.]
Horence: “Nooooo!”
[Ryan kicks the corpse off and grabs a hold of Horence, pulling him up. More dead burst out of the room.]
Markus: “Shit! We need to go!”
Horence: “No! I don’t wanna die! Fuck!”
Ryan: “Just shut up and run, man!”
[The dead flow out of the room as the men run down the hallway. They reach a stairwell and Ryan kicks the door in.]
Ryan: “Follow!”
Horence: “Ahhh.... fuck…”
[The dead push each other down the hallway as the men enter the stairwell and slam the door shut.]
Markus: “You idiot…”
Horence: “I… I…”
Ryan: “We need more backup to clear this place, Markus…”
Markus: “Agreed.”
Dean: “What… what about him?”
Horence: “Me? I’ll…”
Markus: “He’s dead…”
Horence: “No… please…”
[Suddenly, the door bursts open after the dead slam into it, pushing Ryan to the ground.]
Ryan: “Ah!”
Horence: “Shit!”
[The dead go to topple on Ryan but Horence jumps in the way. Another walker bites into his shoulder. Horence stabs the walker in the head.]
Horence: “Go! Please! Just go!”
[Another bites into Horence’s cheek.]
Horence: “Ahh!”
Dean: “No!”
[Dean slams Prickly into the walker’s head. It falls and lets more walkers in. Horence pushes them back with his body, as they bite into it.]
Horence: “Urahh! Ah!”
Dean: “Horence?!”
Horence: “Go!”
Ryan: “Dean?! We gotta go!”
[Horence is pulled deeper into the cluster of dead. Dean watches as they rip into his body and pull out his intestines.]
Horence: “Ahh! Urah! Ah--”
Dean: “No?!”
[Horence was dead.]
Dean: “Horence?!”
[Markus slammed the door shut once again.]
Markus: “We gotta go! Now!”
Ryan: “What we waiting for?! Let’s go!”
[Ryan starts running down the stairs. Markus grabs Dean by the arm and drags him down the stairs with him. The dead push the door open and start to follow as Horence is ripped to shreds.]
Markus: “Keep running!”
[The men burst out to the hotel, safely away from the threat.]
Dean: “Horence… no…”
[Elsewhere in the park, Aubrey and Void reach the entrance line to Millennium Force.]
Void: “Come on!”
Aubrey: “I don’t see any dead.”
Void: “That’s a good thing… Hey! Slowpoke, you coming?”
Aubrey: “Yeah…”
[The two of them head deeper into the queue line. Kruger watches from behind. Back at the candy shop, Becca plays with Primrose.]
Becca: “Look at the cute pupper… aww…”
Primrose: “Bark!”
Becca: “Keep it down, okay…”
[Becca boops Prim’s nose. The dog licks Becca’s hand.]
Becca: “Gross!”
[Suddenly, Markus, Ryan and Dean burst into the shop.]
Becca: “The hell?”
Markus: “That fucking idiot…”
Becca: “What happened?”
Ryan: “Horence got himself killed…”
Dean: “Saving your ass!”
Ryan: “I’m talking about before the stairwell! With that ear joke he was making!”
Becca: “Ear joke?”
Markus: “Nevermind that, where’s the rest of the group? Has nobody returned yet?”
Becca: “No… not yet…”
Markus: “Becca… you down for smashing some dead heads?”
Becca: “Uh… yeah… one moment…”
[Becca grabs Primrose and puts her in the kennel.]
Becca: “I’ll be right back, don’t worry…”
Ryan: “One extra person ain't enough.”
Samuel: “Enough for what?”
[They turn around to see Samuel, Christa, Jacob and Jeneva entering the candy shop.]
Ryan: “The hotel--”
Jeneva: “Where’s Horence?”
Dean: “...”
Markus: “The hotel is overrun… and Horence is dead…”
Jeneva: “No…”
Samuel: “Shitsticks…”
Jacob: “The rest of you okay?”
Ryan: “Yeah…”
Becca: “We going to clear them out?”
Markus: “Yes. Right now. You folks ready?”
Samuel: “I’m always ready… let’s move…”
Markus: “Good. Follow me…”
[The group exits the candy store and walks through Main Street.]
Samuel: “Where’s Kenneth and his group?”
Christa: “Probably in a building, why?”
Samuel: “Just asking… How are you holding up?”
Christa: “I’m fine…”
Samuel: “Good…”
Christa: “I’m just…”
Samuel: “Just what?”
Christa: “Just trying to live past tomorrow… push that… her... behind me...”
Samuel: “Nous y arriverons.”
Christa: “What?”
Samuel: “It’s french for ‘We’ll make it through’”
Christa: “Didn’t know you knew french?”
Samuel: “I took it in high school… don’t remember much honestly…”
Christa: “High school... feels like forever ago…”
Samuel: “Yeah…”
Markus: “Shit, some of the walkers are out of the hotel.”
[The group turns to face the hotel and finds eight walkers roaming around the entrance.]
Ryan: “We can take em’... let’s go!”
[Ryan aims his gun and shoots three walkers dead. Samuel draws his bow and shoots another. One tries to grab Dean but gets a pickaxe to the eye. Becca shoots two more down. The final walker is pushed down by Markus and holds it down as Christa stabs it.]
Markus: “That all of them?”
Becca: “Yeah…”
Samuel: “Good…”
Ryan: “Let’s get into the hotel. Come on.”
Jacob: “Everyone be ready…”
[The group walks over the entrance.]
Ryan: “Three… two… one…”
[Ryan kicks the door open and finds the lobby full of the undead. The group fires into the herd, with only Dean staying back, watching the dead get mowed down.]
Dean: “...”
[Back at Millennium Force, Aubrey and Void enter the ride station.]
Void: “You think we could get this running?”
Aubrey: “I doubt it…”
Void: “I can keep on wishing…”
[Void looks over to the lift hill.]
Aubrey: “I think this place is clear…”
Void: “I can tell…”
Aubrey: “We should head back, see if the rest need help?”
[Void walks over to the lift hill.]
Aubrey: “Void?”
Void: “Yeah?”
Aubrey: “We should head back…”
Void: “...”
[Void looks up the lift hill and to the ladder like stairs next to it.]
Aubrey: “Void? Are you still with me?”
[Void puts her foot out onto stairs.]
Aubrey: “What are you doing?!”
Void: “Claiming…”
Aubrey: “Wha… what?!”
[Void starts climbing the stairs.]
Aubrey: “Void?! The fuck are you doing?!”
Void: “Stealing the view…”
Aubrey: “No! No! No! No! No! You ain't climbing up that!”
Void: “I already am!”
Aubrey: “One wrong foot and you fall to your death!”
Void: “I know…”
Aubrey: “Get down! Seriously!”
Void: “Nope, not happening.”
Aubrey: “Oh my god…”
[Void continues to climb up the hill. She looks out to the park just below.]
Void: “I’m guessing that you’re not coming?!”
Aubrey: “Hell no!”
Void: “What happened to being my poodle?’
Aubrey: “Seriously…”
Void: “Wimp!”
Aubrey: “I… excuse me?!”
Void: “You’re a wimp!”
Aubrey: “Void?!”
Void: “Aubrey!”
Aubrey: “I’m not climbing up that! No way!”
Void: “...”
Aubrey: “Please… just get down--”
Void: “I’ll tell you my name.”
Aubrey: “Lies!”
Void: “No. Seriously.”
[Void continues climbing.]
Aubrey: “Oh… you gotta be… jesus christ… Void?!”
Void: “Come on!”
Aubrey: “...”
Void: “Seriously… I’ll tell you my name…”
Aubrey: “You ain't lying?’
Void: “No. I swear.”
[Aubrey looks up the entire hill and sighs.]
Void: “Come on! Pleaseeeeee…”
Aubrey: “I hate you…”
[Aubrey walks over to the stairs and starts climbing.]
Aubrey: “If I fall to my death, I’m going to haunt you! Got it!”
Void: “Sure thing…”
[They slowly climb up the hill. Void looks out towards Lake Erie and smiles. Halfway up the hill, Aubrey stops moving, her hands trembling.] Void: “Aubrey?”
Aubrey: “I… I…”
Void: “Aubrey… if you need to go back down, I understand--”
Aubrey: “No… I… I can keep going…”
Void: “You sure?!”
Aubrey: “Yeah…”
Void: “Okay…”
[Aubrey continues further.]
Aubrey: “What am I doing… fuck…”
Void: “Are you afraid of heights?”
Aubrey: “Uh, yeah!”
Void: “Ha!”
Aubrey: “Not funny…”
Void: “Sorry…”
Aubrey: “You better be…”
[Void reaches the top and climbs upon a safer catwalk.]
Void: “At the top!”
Aubrey: “Go for you…”
[Aubrey soon reaches the top and climbs onto the catwalk with Void’s asscentice.]
Aubrey: “Hhaha…”
Void: “You okay?”
Aubrey: “Absolutely not…”
[Void walks up the catwalk to the very top of the hill.]
Void: “Look at this view…”
Aubrey: “I-I’d rather not…”
[Void looks out towards the Lake.]
Aubrey: “You’re a thrill seeker aren't you?”
Void: “You could call it that…”
Aubrey: “So…”
[Aubrey walks up to Void.]
Aubrey: “I climbed… all the way up here…”
Void: “Yeah… we’ll get to that…”
Aubrey: “Come on…”
Void: “You know… when Samuel said we were coming here… I got sad… like depressed… and seeing the park… it made it worse… but at the same time it… made me happy…”
Aubrey: “The park is doing what a park is meant to do…”
Void: “Being here… it just… reminds me of my dad… when he was alive… when I was alive… because every day now you just slug through shit after shit… a-and it makes you feel dead… makes you want to be dead… but… everyday you keep fighting… for them… even when they’re gone… because…”
Aubrey: “Of their sacrifices…”
Void: “Yeah…”
Aubrey: “I feel you there…”
[The two of them fall quite and stare off into the distance. After a while, Void speaks.]
Void: “Seriously, wouldn’t you call this beautiful…”
Aubrey: “I guess…”
[They fall quite again. This time, Aubrey tries to speak.]
Aubrey: “We should--”
Void: “Enid.”
Aubrey: “What?”
Void: “My name is Enid.”
Aubrey: “E-Enid? Really?”
Enid: “What? Are you disappointed?”
Aubrey: “No. No... That’s not what I meant…”
Enid: “I’m telling the truth… My name is Enid.”
Aubrey: “Enid… that’s… uh… a good name…”
Enid: “If you say so…”
Aubrey: ‘Why didn’t you just say this? Like…”
Enid: “I had a reason…”
Aubrey: “Would you… explain that reason?”
Enid: “I was scared…”
Aubrey: “Of?”
Enid: “Seth.”
Aubrey: “Seth? Who’s Seth?”
[Enid looks over to Aubrey.]
Enid: “I’ll tell you…”
[One Year Ago]
[Enid sat alone, at a campfire, cooking a can of bacon that she’d found. Rain was pouring down, making the cooking process slow.]
Enid: “Come on… just cook…”
[She heard the rustling of bushes ahead of her and pulled out her gun.]
Enid: “Who’s there?!”
[Two men emerge from the woods. One was white and had long brown hair, the other was black and had short black hair and a beard. Enid keeps her gun raised.]
Man: “Woah there! We don’t mean trouble…”
Bearded Man: “We just saw the smoke from your fire…”
Enid: “What do you want?”
Man: “We’re just looking for food… that’s all…”
Bearded Man: “If you’d be willing to share that can… we’d be grateful…"
Man: “Not forcing you to though… we know how hard it is to get food these days…”
Enid: “Who are you?”
Man: “Me? I’m Seth… this here is Tyrone.”
Tyrone: “Howdy.”
Seth: “You are?”
Enid: “Enid.”
Seth: “Nice to meet you Enid…”
Enid: “...”
Tyrone: “We’d appreciate it if you’d lower that gun…”
Enid: “No. I don’t know you…”
Tyrone: “Fair.”
Seth: “We’re just two hungry men looking for food… we won’t hurt you, I swear…”
Enid: “Bullshit! The second I turn my back, you’ll be running off with my food!”
Tyrone: “Woah! Please don’t yell… you’ll just draw the grabbers in…”
Enid: “I ain't giving you two shit… sorry, this ain’t a buffet…”
Seth: “How rude…”
Tyrone: “Dude… I think we should just go… this isn’t worth the trouble…”
Seth: “Enid… please…”
Enid: “Get lost! Now!”
Tyrone: “If we stay out here for too long, Juno will--”
Seth: “Fuck, Juno!”
Tyrone: “Dude!”
Seth: “What’s that behind you kid? A turtle?”
[Tyrone looks behind to where Enid was sitting. A dead turtle lay on the ground, ripped apart.]
Tyrone: “The hell?”
Seth: “You ate a turtle?”
Enid: “I was hungry… just like you…”
Seth: “Ha!”
Tyrone: “Seth… we should get going…”
Seth: “Nah…”
Enid: “Stay back…”
[Seth removed a rifle from his shoulder and aimed it at Enid.]
Tyrone: “Seth?!”
Seth: ‘Sorry, kid… we’re here for the buffet…”
[Enid quickly dropped to the ground as Seth fired, barely missing her. Enid aimed at the men and shot Tyrone in the leg.]
Tyrone: “Ah! Fuck!”
[Tyrone falls backwards, knocking the rifle out of Seth’s hands.]
Seth: “Shitbag!”
[Enid bolts up, grabs a nearby backpack and flees into the woods behind the men.]
Seth: “Shit! She’s getting away!”
Tyrone: “Man… just leave her…”
Seth: “No!”
[Seth runs into the woods, following her. Tyrone gets to his feet and wobbles just behind.]
Tyrone: “Fucking bullshit…”
[The moans of the dead start to ring out.]
Tyrone: “Great…”
[Tyrone wobbles his way forward, the dead just behind. Enid runs through the woods until she comes upon an abandoned warehouse.]
Enid: “Huh?”
[Enid spots a ladder sticking out of a window. She runs towards it and climbs up it. As she enters the window, Seth emerges from the woods and spots her.]
Seth: “Get back here you little bitch!”
Enid: “Fuck off!”
[Seth runs towards the ladder but Enid pulls it up and through the window behind her, throwing it into the warehouse. Tyrone emerges from the woods.]
Tyrone: “Seth! We got dead on our heels!”
Seth: “Kill them!”
Tyrone: “There’s too many!”
[The dead start to emerge from the woods.]
Seth: “Fubar!”
[Seth notices a door to the warehouse and tries to open it, but the door doesn’t budge.]
Seth: “Open!”
Tyrone: “It’s stuck!”
Seth: “Clearly!”
[Enid looks out the window above the door and sees the men. Tyrone sees her first.]
Tyrone: “Up!”
[Enid pulls her head back as Seth looks.]
Seth: “Get down here bitch!”
[Tyrone looks back at the dead.]
Tyrone: “We need to go! Now!”
Enid: “I’d listen to him!”
Seth: “Fuck you!”
[Seth notices a steel awning over the door and near the window. He looks back at the fastly approaching herd and Tyrone.]
Tyrone: “Seth, man! We gotta go!”
Seth: “I’m sorry, Ty…”
Tyrone: “What?”
[Seth aims his rifle and shoots Tyrone in the knee, shooting his kneecap off.]
Tyrone: “Ahhh!”
[Enid looks out the window again and sees Tyrone falling to the ground.]
Enid: “Holy shit…”
[Seth looks back at the window, Enid ducks back in. Seth jumps up and grabs a hold of the awning, pulling himself up to the window. Tyrone lies on the ground, screaming in pain as the dead topple onto him and rip him open.]
Tyrone: “Seth! Noo! Ah! Uragh! Arrhhh… ah…”
[Tyrone was dead.]
Seth: “Sorry, brother…”
[The dead devour Tyrone as Seth jumps through the window and onto an overhang that overlooks the warehouse. Seth looked around and didn’t see Enid.]
Seth: “Where’d you go!”
[Seth jumped down from the overhang and into the warehouse.]
Seth: “Enid?!”
[Seth walks around the warehouse looking for Enid.]
Seth: “Come on, out!”
[As Seth walked around the warehouse, Enid hid behind some turned over file cabinets full of junk, near the back of the warehouse. Enid looked around for another exit and spotted a bay more wide open, with a truck right in front of it.]
Seth: “Enid! Come on! I wanna talk!”
[Enid quietly moves over to behind a storage crate.]
Seth: “Eeeeeeeenidddddd… come on out”
[Enid notices Seth heading her way and quickly hides under a nearby office desk. She sits there quietly as Seth walks in front of the desk, the tip of his rifle barely visible to Enid.]
Seth: “Come on! You can’t hide--”
[Seth stops talking. Enid’s heart starts to race. Seth pulls the gun up and fires towards the bay door. She hears the thund of a body with the floor. She assumes that he shot a walker.]
Seth: “Enid… I know you haven't left… I would have heard you…”
[Enid watches as Seth walks off in the other direction. After a minute, Enid emerges from the desk and makes her way back behind the storage crate. She takes a peek and sees Seth searching a small locker room. She took her chance and crouched over to a crate near the truck. Next to it lay the corpse of a walker, it's head destroyed by a rifle blast. Her assumption was correct.]
Seth: “Enid?! Eeeennnniiiddd! Come on out! I’ll make it nice and quick!”
Enid: “fucking phychopath…”
Seth: “Hmm?”
[Seth turns around and spots Enid by the crate.]
Seth: “Found ya!”
[Enid hides behind the crate as Seth shoots into it multiple times. Soon, his cilp runs clean and pulls out a knife.]
Seth: “This is going to be nice and personal now…”
[Seth smiles, his grin making an unsettling sight, his mouth full of rotten teeth. Seth starts to slowly walk forward, purposely stepping on shards of broken glass to let her know he was near. Enid pulled out her gun.]
Seth: “Everything’s going to be a-okay--”
[Enid turns the corner to shoot Seth but is kicked in the face.]
Enid: “Ahh!”
Seth: “Hey there, sport…”
Enid: “Fuck you!”
[Seth grabs Enid by her hair and janks her up.]
Seth: “Stupid little bitch…”
[Seth tosses Enid over a small storage crate, which breaks due to her fall. Enid falls and lands on a shard of glass that stabs into her back.]
Enid: “Ah!”
Seth: “I didn’t what to do this but you’ve left me with no choice…”
[Seth walks over to Enid and kneels down. He grabs her by the neck and starts to choke her. Seth smiles.]
Seth: “Just let go… it’s all over…”
Enid: “Gah!”
[Enid tries pulling out her knife but Seth stops her, grabbing her knife and throwing it across the warehouse.]
Seth: “You won’t be needing that…”
[Seth puts his hand back on her throat and squeezes harder.]
Seth: “It’s over, Enid…”
[Enid spazzes her hand around the warehouse floor and grabs a shard of glass. She jabbed it into Seth’s arm.]
Seth: “Ah!”
[End pushes the shard deeper in and drags it down his arm, cutting into his hand. Seth screams in pain and backs off, holding his bloody hand.]
Seth: “Fuck! You bitch!”
Enid: “Stay away!”
Seth: “I’ll kill you!”
[Enid runs away from Seth, hiding behind another storage crate.]
Seth: “I know where you are!”
Enid: “Come get me then!”
Seth: “Bitch…”
[As Seth got to his feet, holding his arm, Enid saw her knife under a nearby desk. She dove over and grabbed it. Seth started to rush over to her, grabbing her by the feet and pulling her away from the desk. Seth pulls out his knife.]
Seth: “Time to see Satan, Bitch!”
[Enid takes her knife and lunges forward, stabbing Seth in his dick.]
Seth: “Ahhhhhh!”
[Seth falls over in pain, holding his groin. Seth wimperd on the ground, uncontrollably.]
Seth: “Y-y-you… ahh… bitch… ah…”
[Enid bolted up, running past the man. She got to the truck and took a peek inside, seeing the keys still in the truck. She looked over to see Seth trying to get his footing. Enid opened the car door and turned the keys, turning the truck on. It rattled. Seth noticed.]
Seth: “No! No! No! Y-You’re not going anywhere!”
[Enid slams her foot down on the pedal and the truck launches forward. She drives away from the warehouse and Seth wobbles over to the bay door.]
Seth: “Enid! You can’t hide forever! I’ll find ya! I’ll kill ya! Enid! Trust me! I’ll fucking mutillate you! Chop you into pieces! That’s a promise! Bitch…”
[A walker turns the corner and is stabbed by Seth. Enid continues to dive away from the warehouse, panting heavily. She looks out the window to see Seth standing by the bay door, just watching her drive off, with his unsettling smile glowing in the darkness due to his yellow teeth.]
Seth: “Enid…”
[Enid puts her hand back in and continues to drive, very poorly, into the distance. Seth watches as she disappears into the distance.]
Seth: “I’ll find you…”
[One Year Later]
[Aubrey and Enid stand on top of Millennium Force as Enid tells her story.]
Aubrey: “Wait? You actually stabbed him in the groin?”
Enid: “Yeah. Why would I make that up?”
Aubrey: “I just think it’s hilarious…”
Enid: “...”
Aubrey: “Sorry…”
Enid: “Nah, nah, it’s fine…”
Aubrey: “Let me guess, you didn’t what to give your name because… that scared you?” Enid: “That and because I’ve always had a feeling… that I’m being tracked… like Christa was doing for that kid she was searching for… I didn’t want to give you guys my name because I was afraid Seth would stumble upon you guys and start asking about me… if he didn’t know that you’d run into me, he’d have no lead…”
Aubrey: “That makes sense, I guess…”
Enid: “Yeah… so you see now…”
Aubrey: “Why did you stay? With us? After we tied you up and all?”
Enid: “It felt safe… felt like a group could keep me safe… kind of a selfish reason… but still…”
Aubrey: “Are you going to tell the others?”
Enid: “Tell the others what?”
Aubrey: “Uh, your name…”
Enid: “Maybe… I’ll think about it…”
Aubrey: “Everyone here would be willing to keep you safe from that man…”
Enid: “I know…”
Aubrey: “Hey… um… can we get down from here? Please, Void…”
Enid: “Ha… Void…”
Aubrey: “Sorry… just habit… please, Enid…”
Enid: “Sure, just don’t call me Enid in front of anyone until I say so…”
Aubrey: “Deal…”
Enid: “Come on, let’s get moving…”
[Enid starts to climb down the ride, Aubrey follows just behind. Elsewhere, in the candy store, Kenneth, Sally, Wyatt and Tavia return.]
Tavia: “Where’s Becca?”
Wyatt: “No clue…”
Tavia: “Did any of you see her outside?”
Kenenth: “No…”
Sally: “She might be with another group… standing around doing nothing while others are doing something often makes people feel bad… she probably just joined up with another group…”
Tavia: “Yeah… that makes sense--”
[Suddenly, Sally bends over in pain.]
Sally: “Fuck…”
Kenneth: “Sally?”
Sally: “I-It’s nothing…”
Wyatt: “Doesn’t seem like nothing? You’ve been doing that all day…”
Sally: “...”
[Sally exits the store.]
Kenneth: “The hell?”
Tavia: “You should probably check upon her…”
Kenneth: “Yeah…”
[Kenneth exits the candy store and sees Sally enter the restrooms once again. He follows her in. Sally sits down, ready to puke in the toilet.]
Kenneth: “Sally… what’s--”
Sally: “Sit down… there’s something I need to tell you…”
Kenneth: “Wha--”
Sally: “Sit.”
[Kenneth sits on the ground.]
Kenneth: “What’s wrong? Sally?”
Sally: “...”
Kenneth: “Sally? You can talk to me…”
Sally: “Kenneth…”
Kenneth: “Yeah?”
Sally: “I think I’m pregnant…”
[Kenneth stops, he continues to stare at Sally in disbelief, processing her words. Elsewhere, in the hotel, Dean stands in the middle of a pile of corpses. He watches as the group exis the hotel. He stays behind, saying that there’s something he needs to do. Dean returns to the stairwell and heads to the floor that Horence died on. At the entrance of the floor lay the remains of Horence. He was mostly devoured, only his upper half was left intact. Horence opened his eyes, now white. He was undead.]
Horence: “Grahh!”
[Undead Horence tries reaching up to Dean. Dean lifts up Prickly.]
Dean: “I’m sorry…”
Horence: “Arhhh!”
[Dean swings prickly down. The pick jabbes into Horence’s eye, killing his undead self. Dean pulls the pickaxe out.]
Dean: “...”
[Dean stares as blood drips out of Horence’s head.]
Dean: “Why?”
[Dean, looks down the hallway towards. He sees the corpses of the walkers that they killed earlier in front of the door. Dean walks over to the corpses.]
Dean: “Motherfuckers…”
[Dean turns around and heads for the stairwell but stops in his tracks. The door nearest to Horence’s corpse had a glow of light coming from the crack in between the door.]
Dean: “What the…”
[Dean walks over to the door and opens it. Dean walks into the room and sees the light source. Candles. All over the room. He notices someone sitting in the middle of the room, wearing an old hunting beanie and headphones, eating a can of beans, the fork about to go in their mouth. They looked over to the door surprised, it was a little girl.]
Dean: “Uhhhh…”
[The girl dropped her can of beans and pulled out a gun and aimed it at Dean.]
Girl: “D-Don’t c-come any c-closer-r?!”
[Dean put his hands up.]
Dean: “Woah, there!”
[The girl kept the gun raised, her hands shaking uncontrollably. Back at Millennium Force, Aubrey and Enid made their way down safely.]
Aubrey: “Oh thank god! Ground!”
Enid: “You’re still a wimp…”
Aubrey: “Keep talking… we’ll see who’s the wimp--”
Voice: “Hello.”
[Aubrey and Void turn around to see Kruger standing near the ride’s exit line. The girls immediately pull out their guns. Kruger stood with his hands already up, he had short mayburn hair and had a distinctive burn of the right side of his face.]
Kruger: “Easy there… I’m not here to hurt you…”
Enid: “Who are you?!”
Kruger: “My name is Damien. Damien Kruger.”
Aubrey: “What do you want?!”
Damien: “I don’t want anything from you guys… I’m here to invite you…”
Enid: “Invite?”
Damien: “I’m from a community up north… I get sent out to find new people and bring them back, to make our community stronger… I’d like to invite you and your entire group here… they seem like good people…”
Aubrey: “You alone?”
Damien: “No. There’s someone else with me but he’s waiting outside the park.”
Enid: “...”
Damien: “I’d like to talk to your leader… Samuel, was it…”
Enid: “How do you know his name?!”
Damien: “Me and my partner have been watching your group for the past three days… just making sure that you were good people, that’s all… now… I'd like to speak with your leader, without a bunch of guns in my face, preferably…”
Aubrey: “...”
Enid: “Aubrey?”
Damien: “I’m not a threat… here…”
[Damien throws his gun on the ground in front of the girls.]
Damien: “You can trust me…”
Enid: “Aubrey? What do we do? It’s your call.”
[It’s time to decide.]
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submitted by Zfungi148 to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

Surprises at Home!

Surprises at Home!

This was from a prior trip. I took all of 0 photos this weekend. I really need to stop doing that.
This will be a shorter trip report compared to some of my other ones mostly because it's a park I've written a longer report for already. I wasn't going to write about this trip because of that- as well as the fact we were only at the park for maybe three hours. However there were a lot of little surprises in those three hours that made it such a fun and memorable night.
So as I've rambled about in the past- SFFT is my home park. My brother and I used to go very often as kids and we had a blast. But for the longest time I was scared of coasters. It was here where I got over my fear and developed my love for coasters. It was on a super packed day that I got over that fear. A day where Superman Krypton Coaster had a two hour wait and in our six hour in the park we got three rides in. It was also the last time either of my parents went to the park. This was over ten years ago.
So my parents have been going through a bit of a hard time lately. I try to find things to do with them (individually as they are separated) to cheer them up and just have a good time whenever I'm in town. My mom really enjoys seeing Christmas lights though the best places in San Antonio are closer to downtown- which is a bit stressful of a visit on traffic alone for her. So I had the idea of inviting her to SFFT with me and my brother when I found out he'd be flying in during the first weekend of Holiday in the Park. I assured both of them that we'd be there for the lights and the Majest of Christmas show that was new for this year. It sounded like the type of show my mom would enjoy.
We left home at about 6:30- it's a short drive to the park. By some miracle the parking on my season pass was working (see: The last 3 trips worth of season pass issues) though my brother's was not registering at the gate (go figure). Thankfully, unlike Magic Mountain, this was his listed home park so they could actually fix it... or at least I think they fixed it. I'm not holding my breath on that one- all I know is he managed to get in. That's what mattered.
As I said- my mom hasn't been in the park for over ten years. She hasn't been on a coaster since that crazy busy day that I conquered my fear. And yet, I absolutely have to love that the first thing she said was that she loved the roar (yes, she used the word roar!) of Goliath and that she could listen to that all day. My brother doesn't care for the B&M roars so it made me happy that my mom commented on it. My brother and I aren't huge B&M fans but I absolutely love hearing them. We wouldn't walk anywhere near Goliath on this trip- partially since we weren't here for coasters- and partially because, even if we were, I was uncertain that my brother would be able to ride.
So we go in and see the lights. The park was very nicely decorated for the holidays. We wandered about the walk through ornament and christmas gifts and eventually started making our way to the Holiday Express (the train) since that seemed like a nice way to kill time before the show started. As we headed there my mom stopped.

Surprise #1 - I was not the one to suggest riding the first roller coaster: I had no intentions of riding any unless Iron Rattler or Poltergeist were walk-ons... and even then I would not have dragged anyone else with me. My mom stopped in front of Boomerang and asked if we wanted to ride it. This was my mom's idea. The person who hadn't been on a coaster in over ten years and probably only ever did so for us as kids.

Surprise #2 - Boomerang was a walk on. Seriously- after dozens of visits to this park I don't think I've ever seen the Boomerang with absolutely no line at all. It's always right up front in the park where people gather and the line is always slow. Yet somehow here with our mom it's a walk-on. I know a lot of people here don't care for Boomerangs but I enjoy it. It's not big or incredible- but it's fun. Sure, I wouldn't wait more than a few minutes to ride- but for what it is, it's a good ride. And for my mom's first coaster in over ten years? Even better. She was hitting us as we walked off... as if she got unwillingly dragged onto it!

Surprise #3 - Roadrunner had a 45+ minute line. For how empty the park was, this was the last ride I expected to have a long wait. We popped in the line briefly before realizing only one train was running and that the line was strangely long. It was weird. We skipped on it since the show we were taking my mom to see was at 8:30 and we didn't want to risk a long line making us late.
As we walked towards the train I stopped to check Iron Rattler's Line. My mom opened the gate for riding coasters so why not? The line was unfortunately all the way to the bottom of the ramps... which normally isn't an issue. Except Iron Rattler has been running one train for months now. I'm very curious as to why it has been on one train ops since at least August now.

Surprise #4 - The Majesty of Christmas: The show was actually pretty good! I don't know what we were expecting but this was definitely much more than we had anticipated from a Six Flags show. The singers were great, the effects were fun- and there were even actual sheep, goats, a donkey, and a camel. My mother absolutely loves animals so this was a huge win. Baby Jesus was fake though. They could get a real camel on stage but not a real baby?! Jokes aside- it was pretty well done!

Surprise #5 - Maybe Six Flags actually reads those surveys! After the show we continued on our way to see more lights. I not so subtly started steering us towards Poltergeist. My mom had fond memories of Poltergeist... so maaaaybe? When she saw the she agreed. I was worried about my brother as the last time we had gone to SFFT together he had a walk of shame on Poltergeist... and he hadn't lost weight since.
So for those who haven't seen the restraints on Poltergeist: It's a lapbar with a seatbelt that attaches to the lapbar. It's weird and I can't name another coaster with that. The problem is the seatbelt isn't adjustable- and it's short. Even if your lapbar gets several clicks, it doesn't matter if the seatbelt can't reach the buckle on the lapbar. This is where my brother had trouble last time. He was just a bit too big to get that buckle. On a more recent solo visit I had marathon'd Poltergeist and noted that either the seatbelts were not all consistent in their length or I was gaining/losing weight between rides.
Either way, my brother seemed okay with not riding though I tried to be optimistic and hoped he'd get one of the seats with a slightly longeless twisted up belt. It was one of our favorites for the longest time (and still is) so I always feel bad if he can't ride. As we got on the train I sat near my mom to help her figure out the restraints. When reaching for my seatbelt I realized mine was long- much longer than I remembered from my last visit. I jumped out of my seat and told my brother to take it since I knew he'd probably fit that. (We were fast- don't worry!)
My brother cleared! It was when I was in that new seat buckling in that seatbelt when I came to a really great realization. The Poltergeist's trains had new- LAUNCH
You'd think after having ridden this coaster more than any other I'd know to be ready for the launch. Oops! The ride was a blast as always. I know it's not the biggest, fastest, or most incredible ride out there but it's just pure fun for me. There's not a moment where it lets up and the many many headchoppers give a sense of uncontrolled chaos that can only be rivaled by my mom's driving. She had a good time- even if she was smacking my brother after the brake run for 'making' her ride it. (It's her favorite coaster still.)
We arrived at the station and I took a good hard look at the seats in the train. Sometime between my last visit in August where I marathon'd the ride and this weekend the train had been given brand new vibrant red seatbelts! Longer ones too! I've made it a point to mention how absurdly short the seatbelts are in the online surveys I get sent after each visit but I never imagined they would actually go and change the seatbelts on the ride. It's a little thing for most people- but that tiny bit of extra seatbelt was the difference between my brother being able to enjoy with us and having to sit out on one of his favorites.

Surprise #6 - Wonder Woman Golden Lasso was a walk on?! We snaked our way around to Wonder Woman. Though, to be honest, I was the one leading everyone to the roller coasters. Somehow they trusted me to lead. No clue why considering they knew I'd go straight to coasters. I figured my brother still hadn't gotten to ride Wonder Woman Golden Lasso... so why not? I decided to warn my mom that it was more intense than either Boomerang or Poltergeist depending on the seat. I warned her multiple times and yet... she got on it. My brother got the front seat. I sat between him and my mom hoping being closer to the middle of the train would be nicer.
My brother enjoyed it. My mom hated it. Also my mom hates Wonder Woman in general so there maaaaay be some bias there just for having the wrong name on a coaster. We learned my mom hates airtime. My brother was like that a few months ago but I think he got over it sometime during our SFMM or Cedar Point trips. Either way- it felt a little more tame this ride compared to my last ride. I think I can confidently say the back row is where the insanity is really at on this one.

Surprise #7 - They still trusted me at this point. At this point I was hoping Iron Rattler's line would have died down some. And it had- it was now a station wait. With one train running it'd still be a bit of a wait though. Thankfully my mom agreed to it. It's weird to think- the last time my mom rode the Rattler was before either my brother or I were tall enough for it. In fact- she rode the Rattler before the first drop got shortened. She always told us how she blacked out on the ride during the tunnel section and how painful the ride was. I only ever got to ride it many years after it was adjusted. It was a rough ride and I have fond memories of it despite it not being the greatest ride.
It was a bit of a wait for the ride even at the station but it was fun! We sat nearer to the middle for my mom. Part of me wanted to put her in the back row for laughs but considering I'd be staying with her for the night... I decided it'd be dangerous! Even from the middle rows the first drop and quarry dive were really fun! The ride overall felt a bit slower that ride which was strange. People talk about rides being slowefaster on some runs and while I understand the physics and whatnot behind it- I never really experienced the change before. I'm used to riding Iron Rattler in 100 degree heat so maybe that was it. Still- great ride either way!
It was my first Iron Rattler night ride and I must say- I actually prefer a day ride on it. The tunnel has a lot more impact in the day.
I also got my first nanocoaster on our way out! I meant to pick one up at Cedar Point but it was getting a nanocoaster or one more ride on Magnum.... no time for both. I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to order one online. Boo!
Overall a fun short trip. Dragging your mom on coasters for the first time in many years is hilarious if not a bit painful (she was smacking us for our cruelty). My brother finally got his ride on Poltergeist (yay!) and I have found evidence that maybe Six Flags does read those surveys. Seeing Poltergeist get some love in the form of new seatbelts felt like an early Christmas present. At the very least- it shows they're willing to put some money into the ride which means it's likely to stick around a while longer.
Also I finally asked my brother what his favorite coaster is. When racing: Twisted Colossus. Otherwise Steel Vengeance. Coming from the one who hated airtime in August I think it's funny!
Usually I list our favorites of the trip at the end but it's pretty unanimous with Poltergeist this time around so how about:

Least Favorites!
Brother: Joker. We didn't even get on it. He hates that it uses the Joker name because his favorite coaster growing up was Joker's Revenge... which is now standing but not operating in New Orleans. =(
Mom: Wonder Woman. Also hates it for the name. Also airtime.
Me: Also didn't ride it. Batman the Ride for existing. Also for being a Batman the Ride that isn't a Batman the Ride clone which makes it unnecessarily confusing. I hate freespins.
submitted by petuniabubbles to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: rollercoasters posts from 2019-07-03 to 2019-07-27 15:38 PDT

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Rate (per day) 39.37 729.63
Unique Redditors 554 2563
Combined Score 65657 79400

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  1. 1587 points, 15 submissions: MrBrightside711
    1. Hakugei is my new favorite ride in Japan and the most intense RMC I've ridden. (367 points, 82 comments)
    2. And then, one day, I got in. (327 points, 28 comments)
    3. Eejanaika is the most intense coaster I've ridden (296 points, 93 comments)
    4. Seoul loves their Intamin coasters, as do I. (101 points, 7 comments)
    5. Hakugei Full Review! (In comments) (100 points, 16 comments)
    6. Basically 95 second of airtime hills. T Express. (95 points, 15 comments)
    7. I wonder if my Six Flags Membership works for Kings Island... (79 points, 22 comments)
    8. Today I rode my 300th, the Urban MF, Thunder Dolphin! (70 points, 11 comments)
    9. Flying Dinosaur Full Review (in comments) (35 points, 11 comments)
    10. Fireball. A (possible) diamond in the very rough. (33 points, 7 comments)
  2. 1140 points, 2 submissions: Madflex2000
    1. Hang loose 🤟 (777 points, 53 comments)
    2. ZADRA - Children of the corn (363 points, 9 comments)
  3. 1015 points, 4 submissions: RUANTHEALT
    1. Looking up Millennium Force's support structure. (443 points, 23 comments)
    2. Abandoned car of Wildcat backstage at Cedar Point (437 points, 72 comments)
    3. From underneath Valravn's structure (95 points, 5 comments)
    4. Underneath Valravn's station on Sunrise tour. (40 points, 2 comments)
  4. 918 points, 2 submissions: xxemeraldxx2
    1. Making the most out of limited space... (469 points, 39 comments)
    2. Beautiful picture of Gröna lund in Stockholm, Sweden (449 points, 38 comments)
  5. 879 points, 10 submissions: How-About-Thiss
    1. Great bear was so much fun! (157 points, 17 comments)
    2. Love the view of Intimidator 305 from the water park. (107 points, 17 comments)
    3. Front seat views. (106 points, 16 comments)
    4. Transfer track is being added for Hersheypark's 2020 coaster. (106 points, 26 comments)
    5. Storm Runner was one of the best launches I've experienced on a coaster. (84 points, 44 comments)
    6. I finally got this shot! (74 points, 12 comments)
    7. Skyrush looks amazing at night! (70 points, 6 comments)
    8. Dominator looking photogenic as always. (67 points, 11 comments)
    9. Great Bear going up it's lift hill. (57 points, 6 comments)
    10. Super Dooper Looper was an interesting rode. (51 points, 13 comments)
  6. 869 points, 9 submissions: dreadmon
    1. A salute to Dorney Park coasters, but mostly Steel Force. (256 points, 45 comments)
    2. Vortexx on a gorgeous Thursday at Kings Island! (125 points, 14 comments)
    3. Another angle - Steel Force and Thunderhawk - Dorney Park - Allentown, PA (116 points, 14 comments)
    4. The light is beautiful upon Millennium Force - Cedar Point (94 points, 8 comments)
    5. Diamondback rooster tail center stage today. Kings Island (89 points, 14 comments)
    6. Maverick on 7-8-19, running awesomely! (89 points, 4 comments)
    7. Banshee - raw photo - Kings Island - 7/25/19 (68 points, 0 comments)
    8. Raptor delivering epic goods on a beautiful day at Cedar Point. (Day 1 of 2) (28 points, 10 comments)
    9. Before & After Steel Curtain: Top Ten All-Time Coasters (4 points, 43 comments)
  7. 844 points, 12 submissions: NicAgainstHumanity
    1. Alan Schilke is brilliant. This was my first RMC. The back seat is insane. Great ejector air. This is a beautifully violent coaster, but it’s still super smooth. I just rode it five times in a row. I’m hooked. (286 points, 35 comments)
    2. Here’s an unfiltered, unaltered Fury sunset I snapped this evening. What a ride. (170 points, 13 comments)
    3. Absolutely blown away by The Voyage. This is the best wooden coaster I’ve ever ridden and is now my number two overall. Wow. (148 points, 31 comments)
    4. Shut down for almost an hour now. This storm doesn’t want to move. (72 points, 22 comments)
    5. Can you hear this picture? I sure can. #Intrimidator (33 points, 13 comments)
    6. It’s a great day a Carowinds. The thunderstorm cleared out most of the park. Everything is a 15 minute or less wait currently. (33 points, 8 comments)
    7. There’s nothing like riding a coaster with somebody who’s never ridden it before. Share your stories! Mine’s in the comments. (26 points, 32 comments)
    8. Riding my first RMC Saturday! What was your first RMC and how did you like it? (25 points, 94 comments)
    9. Anybody going to Steel Curtain’s opening? (17 points, 16 comments)
    10. Looking for a coaster buddy tomorrow (July 4th) at Carowinds! (12 points, 3 comments)
  8. 825 points, 7 submissions: freddy_gruner
    1. RMC Gwazi is really starting to take shape wow (210 points, 63 comments)
    2. oh my freaking goodness (@fomo_coaster) (184 points, 26 comments)
    3. Scorpions second train has returned. Let’s see how long it’ll stay (113 points, 24 comments)
    4. Promo video of Maverick showing the original heartline roll. How did ANYONE think that was a good idea. (106 points, 55 comments)
    5. Photo of Zadra taken by @fomo_coaster on Instagram. (104 points, 8 comments)
    6. Invertigo at Kings Island valleyed lmfao (100 points, 51 comments)
    7. Shotglasses (8 points, 4 comments)
  9. 809 points, 6 submissions: dmich9
    1. Mystery Mine Up Close (368 points, 29 comments)
    2. 20 years later and Afterburn is still butter smooth. (273 points, 29 comments)
    3. Thunderhead Through the Trees! (119 points, 16 comments)
    4. Dollywood Trip Report (7/12/19 - 7/14/19) (24 points, 7 comments)
    5. Lightning Rod is running trimless tonight (Thrills in the Hills Event) (20 points, 18 comments)
    6. What makes a Wing over different from a corkscrew? (5 points, 12 comments)
  10. 788 points, 4 submissions: DCMeGaMaxX
    1. Millennium Force was announced 20 years ago. (346 points, 41 comments)
    2. Scorpion still going strong. (341 points, 48 comments)
    3. My mom's new favorite coaster. (61 points, 13 comments)
    4. Kumba - My first B&M. (40 points, 15 comments)
  11. 784 points, 1 submission: sklrgrld
    1. Area 51 is getting stormed already (784 points, 71 comments)
  12. 742 points, 7 submissions: ZoniesCoasters
    1. Mr.Freeze reverse blast's enterence looks nice lit up by the neon at night. (347 points, 40 comments)
    2. The Steel vengeance mountain looking good after closing time. (178 points, 7 comments)
    3. Top thrill dragster looming over the cedar point beach and boardwalk. (143 points, 9 comments)
    4. Some fencing has gone up around Aquaman at SFOT now that demolition will be resuming and this is roughly they area they have fenced off. it is going around another ride as well as Aquaman. Judge Roy Scream is still accessible but you can no longer walk the path from bugs bunny boom town to Judge. (36 points, 18 comments)
    5. SFOT making quick work of tearing down aquaman (16 points, 2 comments)
    6. Flats you wish there were more of (or at least at your home park) (11 points, 20 comments)
    7. The humble beginnings of my park map wall. Will likely have to move those posters soon. (11 points, 8 comments)
  13. 703 points, 6 submissions: zoombirdd
    1. Steel Vengeance looming above Frontiertown (231 points, 13 comments)
    2. Rougarou's massive vertical loop (137 points, 32 comments)
    3. The only Vekoma Invertigo left in the U.S. (Invertigo at Kings Island) (124 points, 44 comments)
    4. Steel Curtain flying through its stall (101 points, 12 comments)
    5. The weather may not be pretty today, but Steel Curtain sure is. Less than a week to go (58 points, 21 comments)
    6. Millennium Force's lift at night (52 points, 2 comments)
  14. 684 points, 4 submissions: Bemaniibo
    1. Official Steel Curtain POV (328 points, 88 comments)
    2. Untamed (Walibi Holland) exiting its barrel roll finale. (297 points, 48 comments)
    3. Three of my favorite things in the world in one video (Railblazer - CGA) (30 points, 7 comments)
    4. Excited to finally head back down here at the end of the month - (Full Throttle, SFMM) (29 points, 9 comments)
  15. 671 points, 3 submissions: soapyslinky
    1. Rougarou, Cedar Point (373 points, 54 comments)
    2. Millennium Force is such a great ride (201 points, 35 comments)
    3. Early morning Raptor (97 points, 3 comments)
  16. 647 points, 8 submissions: Majorkilljoy87
    1. The Steel Curtains sign has arrived. (229 points, 29 comments)
    2. Kennywood's one-two punch. (130 points, 24 comments)
    3. Got last ride of the night on this beauty. (116 points, 14 comments)
    4. I think my first Nanocoaster turned out well! (62 points, 7 comments)
    5. I was able to stop by Carowinds for a couple hours on my way to Hilton Head island! Fury 325 blew me away! (39 points, 16 comments)
    6. Steel Curtain Nanocoaster is now available online! (29 points, 4 comments)
    7. Car fire at Kennywood. (27 points, 12 comments)
    8. The Steel Curtain flys by during kennywood's firework show. (15 points, 4 comments)
  17. 633 points, 6 submissions: GauntletVSLC
    1. Happy Independence Day from Six Flags America! (320 points, 10 comments)
    2. Firebird makes some awesome smoke rings at night! (188 points, 29 comments)
    3. Found this thing at the Dover Mall (Delaware). Never seen these options on and arcade machine before! (46 points, 8 comments)
    4. Saw this weird ride at a free carnival at my town’s fireworks the other night. (36 points, 13 comments)
    5. Rode this beauty today! #269 (30 points, 11 comments)
    6. Could someone tell me what this ride type is? (13 points, 14 comments)
  18. 584 points, 2 submissions: Speedgoy
    1. Voyage's twisty curves! Voyage at Holiday World [OC] (420 points, 29 comments)
    2. Blue Pizza Hut has surprisingly good airtime! (Corkscrew at Cedar Point) [OC] (164 points, 39 comments)
  19. 568 points, 5 submissions: cduarte125
    1. Batman & Riddler (230 points, 23 comments)
    2. Riddler is a fantastic B&M💚 (159 points, 14 comments)
    3. Steel Curtain at Sunset (108 points, 6 comments)
    4. West Coast Racers - July 25th (38 points, 8 comments)
    5. Phantom's Revenge - Does Kennywood now have one of the best Top-2 combos? (33 points, 38 comments)
  20. 559 points, 1 submission: SBPlayzz
    1. Some pics I got from Cedar Point (559 points, 41 comments)
  21. 538 points, 7 submissions: DiscordTheGod
    1. Six Flags Over Texas is getting a Mack (298 points, 92 comments)
    2. Six Flags Great Adventure possibly getting a vertical launch Intamin (67 points, 49 comments)
    3. Possible launch coaster for Holiday World? (59 points, 32 comments)
    4. Intamin shipments slated for America (48 points, 33 comments)
    5. Parc Asterix Intamin delayed until 2022 (28 points, 12 comments)
    6. Potential flat ride from Zamperla for Carowinds (22 points, 13 comments)
    7. Footers are in for BGW 2020 (16 points, 1 comment)
  22. 519 points, 5 submissions: flashbulbsburst
    1. Good morning from Twisted Timbers: my fourth RMC! (287 points, 31 comments)
    2. Can’t believe it’s been five years since this photo! So happy we got Twisted Colossus, but I’ll always miss the original (75 points, 8 comments)
    3. Good night from The Hulk 💚 (62 points, 5 comments)
    4. After waiting out the storm, we were able to marathon Copperhead!! A nice empty day at Carowinds (59 points, 12 comments)
    5. A glass of red, perfect weather, and my fav- Verbolton! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday (36 points, 6 comments)
  23. 512 points, 1 submission: SuperCub
    1. Yukon Striker [📸 by Chris Robart] (512 points, 42 comments)
  24. 506 points, 3 submissions: Luukolas
    1. Lech Coaster at Legendia (353 points, 25 comments)
    2. Hyperion at Energylandia (95 points, 12 comments)
    3. Formula at Energylandia (58 points, 2 comments)
  25. 495 points, 4 submissions: Ginsyberg
    1. Not so common of view: Mavericks Launch Tunnel :) (312 points, 36 comments)
    2. Ok this was totally the best part! Under Millennium Force Station (126 points, 6 comments)
    3. Well I didn’t think this would actually happen today! Sunrise tour was so amazing 😁 (36 points, 31 comments)
    4. FINALLY WE HAVE KICKOFF! SC finally had a test run today (21 points, 25 comments)
  26. 493 points, 2 submissions: LukeReloaded
    1. Riding my first RMC as my 50th Credit today! (330 points, 25 comments)
    2. I am in love with the sign and station of Untamed (163 points, 36 comments)
  27. 489 points, 1 submission: managed__mischief
    1. The treble clef element on Fury 325 at Carowinds (489 points, 48 comments)
  28. 485 points, 3 submissions: ATomRT
    1. Zadra's zero-g-stall is up (329 points, 32 comments)
    2. Zadra's track is complete (82 points, 14 comments)
    3. New themed area opened at Energylandia. Opening of Zadra scheduled for August 15. (74 points, 26 comments)
  29. 478 points, 2 submissions: theNick_C
    1. Good vs Evil (459 points, 29 comments)
    2. SeaWorld Orlando - 2020 Attraction Construction Update (19 points, 1 comment)
  30. 472 points, 2 submissions: coolwallpaint
    1. Maxx Force courtesy of SkyHigh Coasters (393 points, 17 comments)
    2. My first time At Cedar Point after a 6 hour drive was amazing! My favorite were Steel Vengeance and Maverick. (79 points, 11 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. a_magumba (1854 points, 561 comments)
  2. Bemaniibo (1536 points, 256 comments)
  3. Elementerch (1396 points, 210 comments)
  4. CheesecakeMilitia (1343 points, 163 comments)
  5. JamminJay1986 (1145 points, 202 comments)
  6. MrBrightside711 (932 points, 124 comments)
  7. Chayz211 (860 points, 196 comments)
  8. laserdollars420 (829 points, 135 comments)
  9. SignGuy77 (807 points, 198 comments)
  10. freddy_gruner (806 points, 139 comments)
  11. brain0924 (805 points, 121 comments)
  12. Ceramicrabbit (771 points, 155 comments)
  13. bobkmertz (689 points, 184 comments)
  14. provoaggie (589 points, 122 comments)
  15. _scott_m_ (561 points, 56 comments)
  16. TPA_Grunge_97 (551 points, 94 comments)
  17. NicAgainstHumanity (498 points, 146 comments)
  18. Tribefan1029 (485 points, 99 comments)
  19. Ben43065 (475 points, 45 comments)
  20. xxxtentacion42069 (460 points, 81 comments)
  21. vespinonl (451 points, 107 comments)
  22. Imaginos64 (446 points, 96 comments)
  23. trainman121 (439 points, 102 comments)
  24. teejayiscool (437 points, 85 comments)
  25. dirkdiggler1992 (411 points, 53 comments)
  26. CeDaR_pOiNt_FaN02 (396 points, 91 comments)
  27. sonimatic14 (358 points, 73 comments)
  28. FSUFanChris (352 points, 10 comments)
  29. GatorAndrew (348 points, 53 comments)
  30. FlyRobot (335 points, 81 comments)
  31. DafoeFoSho (332 points, 30 comments)
  32. BIGREDDMACH1NE (331 points, 78 comments)
  33. RrevinEvann (327 points, 41 comments)
  34. JCoaster25 (324 points, 39 comments)
  35. Swift747 (299 points, 68 comments)
  36. Casual_Reggae (295 points, 47 comments)
  37. STAR_fruitation (294 points, 25 comments)
  38. fahrenheit1221 (271 points, 37 comments)
  39. Crunchewy (269 points, 71 comments)
  40. monotonejord (269 points, 35 comments)
  41. Doyle524 (267 points, 97 comments)
  42. ThemeParkFan2020 (265 points, 33 comments)
  43. wboyajian (264 points, 41 comments)
  44. frito11 (263 points, 73 comments)
  45. herpes_free_since_87 (256 points, 57 comments)
  46. ArrowDynamics2002 (244 points, 43 comments)
  47. Majorkilljoy87 (238 points, 46 comments)
  48. thejasond123 (234 points, 69 comments)
  49. jhoosteen (233 points, 22 comments)
  50. Swiftman (225 points, 30 comments)
  51. kpiech01 (225 points, 30 comments)
  52. mikeokay (220 points, 49 comments)
  53. cmorgan74686reddit (217 points, 79 comments)
  54. joeyg107 (214 points, 66 comments)
  55. SizzleMop69 (213 points, 48 comments)
  56. GauntletVSLC (210 points, 34 comments)
  57. CoasterKat95 (204 points, 49 comments)
  58. Chrisboy04 (204 points, 45 comments)
  59. CharmCityPiper (204 points, 43 comments)
  60. dattmay (203 points, 23 comments)
  61. zoombirdd (200 points, 22 comments)
  62. bttrflyr (199 points, 15 comments)
  63. coasterchodes (198 points, 52 comments)
  64. lph1235 (198 points, 31 comments)
  65. mynameisntjeffrey (197 points, 32 comments)
  66. The_Inflicted (195 points, 32 comments)
  67. HauteConversion (188 points, 15 comments)
  68. _trollercoaster_ (187 points, 21 comments)
  69. TDChrisGO (187 points, 6 comments)
  70. zberry7 (185 points, 18 comments)
  71. Holiboy2112 (180 points, 16 comments)
  72. ZoniesCoasters (178 points, 41 comments)
  73. Gutnis (177 points, 22 comments)
  74. Bear_Scout (176 points, 48 comments)
  75. IsuzuTrooper (174 points, 59 comments)
  76. Ampu-Tina (168 points, 41 comments)
  77. beregond23 (167 points, 50 comments)
  78. T-Pose-On-Tantrum (167 points, 38 comments)
  79. Andy_and_Vic (166 points, 37 comments)
  80. iFanatic (162 points, 49 comments)
  81. robocoolgamer (162 points, 39 comments)
  82. Tongzhi_Baba (161 points, 43 comments)
  83. alkakmana (160 points, 36 comments)
  84. CLPPop (160 points, 34 comments)
  85. bigpboy (157 points, 67 comments)
  86. jjs65 (157 points, 15 comments)
  87. Alex-Christ (154 points, 52 comments)
  88. ooleck17 (154 points, 34 comments)
  89. ItsAlwayz (154 points, 20 comments)
  90. raptoralex (154 points, 18 comments)
  91. Theme_Park_Critic (153 points, 29 comments)
  92. hawksnest_prez (149 points, 36 comments)
  93. AirbossYT (148 points, 24 comments)
  94. PintoI007 (148 points, 20 comments)
  95. flyingdrums (145 points, 28 comments)
  96. Conor_CBG (145 points, 22 comments)
  97. jackbyrnetv74 (143 points, 59 comments)
  98. Dynamiccoastersx2 (143 points, 36 comments)
  99. sawdummy (142 points, 33 comments)
  100. HerpDerpinAtWork (142 points, 31 comments)
  101. Metalhead1197 (142 points, 29 comments)
  102. CHR0T0 (142 points, 19 comments)
  103. Bumblebe5 (141 points, 94 comments)
  104. Amigo_Gangsta (141 points, 25 comments)
  105. Gwanzi (141 points, 13 comments)
  106. mjk19871 (140 points, 40 comments)
  107. IratFanboy14 (138 points, 62 comments)
  108. angry-gumball (138 points, 38 comments)
  109. F1rePhant0m (138 points, 21 comments)
  110. bobthemuffinman (137 points, 31 comments)
  111. fedoraman59 (136 points, 33 comments)
  112. the_pantsmith (136 points, 33 comments)
  113. Noxegon (134 points, 29 comments)
  114. Unhappy_Score (133 points, 33 comments)
  115. coasterkid21 (132 points, 12 comments)
  116. sandmyth (131 points, 33 comments)
  117. insanityturtlev2 (131 points, 21 comments)
  118. ANaturalSicknes (130 points, 24 comments)
  119. JustJeff236 (128 points, 3 comments)
  120. fortheloveofgoddont (127 points, 33 comments)
  121. Mooco2 (127 points, 29 comments)
  122. Cabana (126 points, 20 comments)
  123. Casperfowl (125 points, 41 comments)
  124. fount3 (125 points, 26 comments)
  125. jecole85 (125 points, 17 comments)
  126. KvngDarius (124 points, 31 comments)
  127. RobotUnicornZombie (124 points, 28 comments)
  128. Terrapinned (123 points, 30 comments)
  129. Lrod73 (123 points, 20 comments)
  130. themeparkjunkie98 (122 points, 21 comments)
  131. PitchBlac (120 points, 41 comments)
  132. Ginsyberg (120 points, 32 comments)
  133. LukeReloaded (120 points, 20 comments)
  134. Feed_Me_Burgers (117 points, 27 comments)
  135. yawetag12 (115 points, 18 comments)
  136. flyinghiiiiiiigh (115 points, 16 comments)
  137. How-About-Thiss (114 points, 54 comments)
  138. brokethemorning (114 points, 29 comments)
  139. Millennium1995 (113 points, 29 comments)
  140. barc_15 (111 points, 20 comments)
  141. corndogshuffle (110 points, 24 comments)
  142. donkey_tits (110 points, 18 comments)
  143. ShadowL42 (109 points, 50 comments)
  144. NewEnglandCoasterFan (109 points, 5 comments)
  145. Gravitystar88 (107 points, 27 comments)
  146. GigaG (107 points, 25 comments)
  147. CoasterCorey (106 points, 35 comments)
  148. darkmachine415 (106 points, 33 comments)
  149. Willyyum2 (105 points, 25 comments)
  150. Silver013 (105 points, 10 comments)
  151. dreadmon (104 points, 36 comments)
  152. pedalpilot (104 points, 22 comments)
  153. _Booster_Gold_ (104 points, 21 comments)
  154. mikeoftroy (104 points, 18 comments)
  155. pdido1 (104 points, 13 comments)
  156. kbups53 (104 points, 8 comments)
  157. NotMongo (103 points, 19 comments)
  158. AdmiralNether (102 points, 33 comments)
  159. Gnucks33 (102 points, 15 comments)
  160. Kingotterex (102 points, 14 comments)
  161. ST-Parks (102 points, 14 comments)
  162. The_DILinator (101 points, 43 comments)
  163. twatchops (101 points, 42 comments)
  164. BigFatMage (101 points, 39 comments)
  165. h0rheyd (101 points, 30 comments)
  166. BadCommandCo_ (100 points, 29 comments)
  167. RenoWolf200 (100 points, 19 comments)
  168. subsetsum (99 points, 33 comments)
  169. JDWhiz96 (99 points, 21 comments)
  170. bchris24 (99 points, 18 comments)
  171. sklrgrld (99 points, 4 comments)
  172. kasoccer2 (98 points, 22 comments)
  173. grady404 (97 points, 9 comments)
  174. Pesto_Power (96 points, 18 comments)
  175. cosmic_riviera (95 points, 8 comments)
  176. rightleftrightkick (95 points, 8 comments)
  177. SymphonyX4 (94 points, 23 comments)
  178. AtomicChef (94 points, 10 comments)
  179. hailtovictors (94 points, 1 comment)
  180. sanchezconstant (93 points, 17 comments)
  181. Heyohmydoohd (92 points, 27 comments)
  182. Specialk408 (92 points, 26 comments)
  183. CaptNemo131 (92 points, 7 comments)
  184. -xaphor (92 points, 5 comments)
  185. 101gabed (91 points, 16 comments)
  186. TheLegoDude007 (91 points, 16 comments)
  187. Justman1020 (91 points, 14 comments)
  188. nicktheflick (91 points, 10 comments)
  189. Maxmun1ch (91 points, 9 comments)
  190. CodysUsername (90 points, 29 comments)
  191. Emilio_Estevezz (90 points, 25 comments)
  192. JakeElwoodDim5th (89 points, 25 comments)
  193. cm1381 (89 points, 17 comments)
  194. PACoasters (89 points, 11 comments)
  195. i-am-red-w (88 points, 37 comments)
  196. BlitzenVolt (88 points, 26 comments)
  197. DonnyTheWalrus (87 points, 20 comments)
  198. I_am_who (87 points, 6 comments)
  199. jmlrjtm (86 points, 2 comments)
  200. DpvReno (85 points, 34 comments)
  201. subsequentj (84 points, 27 comments)
  202. tromoly (84 points, 11 comments)
  203. 389Tman389 (83 points, 31 comments)
  204. cardinalfan828 (83 points, 25 comments)
  205. nkbvr (83 points, 9 comments)
  206. lkshontz (82 points, 32 comments)
  207. euphmike (82 points, 30 comments)
  208. Kabal303 (82 points, 28 comments)
  209. stevemurdock (82 points, 17 comments)
  210. ATomRT (82 points, 13 comments)
  211. ziggmuff (81 points, 26 comments)
  212. ShiftedLobster (81 points, 25 comments)
  213. WotDaHelll (81 points, 22 comments)
  214. HoliestDonut (81 points, 14 comments)
  215. rolllies (81 points, 11 comments)
  216. Nomel22 (80 points, 18 comments)
  217. electric_ell (80 points, 18 comments)
  218. fckth3systm (80 points, 10 comments)
  219. windog (79 points, 28 comments)
  220. de420swegster (79 points, 23 comments)
  221. InsanitySpree (79 points, 18 comments)
  222. practicetrumpet (79 points, 5 comments)
  223. co4ster_t3ch2 (78 points, 29 comments)
  224. Obscure_Wombat (78 points, 12 comments)
  225. FoozMuz (78 points, 8 comments)
  226. SgtDtgt (77 points, 30 comments)
  227. ldhudsonjr (77 points, 23 comments)
  228. Abangranga (77 points, 18 comments)
  229. mxsignals (77 points, 16 comments)
  230. BrodyMcFadden620 (77 points, 11 comments)
  231. Ultracoaster (77 points, 9 comments)
  232. count_magula (77 points, 9 comments)
  233. Piggz_ (76 points, 22 comments)
  234. TheShadyGuy (76 points, 22 comments)
  235. Needabiggercoaster (76 points, 19 comments)
  236. NAOT4R (76 points, 18 comments)
  237. WitheredTechnology (76 points, 11 comments)
  238. fastal_12147 (76 points, 11 comments)
  239. username2468_memes (75 points, 31 comments)
  240. Werwanderflugen (75 points, 14 comments)
  241. Gazza_s_89 (74 points, 24 comments)
  242. TrumpetLife69 (74 points, 12 comments)
  243. DiscordTheGod (74 points, 10 comments)
  244. work-buy-consume-die (73 points, 31 comments)
  245. DroughtHornet (73 points, 14 comments)
  246. brucewaynewins (73 points, 10 comments)
  247. robbycough (72 points, 17 comments)
  248. TGE (71 points, 23 comments)
  249. its_cameron_bitch (71 points, 18 comments)
  250. Closer2clouds (71 points, 7 comments)
  251. Zoloir (71 points, 3 comments)
  252. gordonosaur1 (70 points, 26 comments)
  253. cheekylittleboy (70 points, 23 comments)
  254. Figwun (70 points, 22 comments)
  255. SammyMac19 (70 points, 9 comments)
  256. bionicvapourboy (70 points, 6 comments)
  257. George_The_Grill (70 points, 2 comments)
  258. GeneralKenobi2005 (69 points, 12 comments)
  259. whitedsepdivine (68 points, 30 comments)
  260. BBToast (68 points, 16 comments)
  261. RaccHudson (68 points, 15 comments)
  262. VisibleConcern (68 points, 9 comments)
  263. wjw42 (67 points, 22 comments)
  264. TheSwiftestNipples (67 points, 17 comments)
  265. robdcx (67 points, 14 comments)
  266. Fergy328 (67 points, 13 comments)
  267. sector11374265 (67 points, 11 comments)
  268. elisej22 (66 points, 28 comments)
  269. Lurdanjo (66 points, 26 comments)
  270. not_your_face (66 points, 19 comments)
  271. honest-coaster-dude (66 points, 18 comments)
  272. TheWolfXCIX (66 points, 13 comments)
  273. nyargleblargle (66 points, 11 comments)
  274. Voidskiz (65 points, 22 comments)
  275. CanobieCoaster (65 points, 18 comments)
  276. TheOtherNick (65 points, 16 comments)
  277. RealNotFake (65 points, 15 comments)
  278. shabamon (65 points, 12 comments)
  279. _Infin_ (65 points, 9 comments)
  280. jeherohaku (65 points, 6 comments)
  281. Normal_Tumbleweed (65 points, 5 comments)
  282. hobbyhallforall (65 points, 3 comments)
  283. T-Rextion (64 points, 23 comments)
  284. calebkeithley (64 points, 10 comments)
  285. St_Bernardus (64 points, 9 comments)
  286. bear-ginger (64 points, 8 comments)
  287. JAtomberly (63 points, 34 comments)
  288. thiccsnaccs2018 (63 points, 21 comments)
  289. CrimsonEnigma (63 points, 14 comments)
  290. Kevinfrench23 (63 points, 13 comments)
  291. LeeroyRocket (62 points, 24 comments)
  292. cheekin3000 (62 points, 22 comments)
  293. PlurBedford (62 points, 9 comments)
  294. mnreginald (62 points, 3 comments)
  295. SkellySkeletor (61 points, 17 comments)
  296. yellowflamingo1 (61 points, 17 comments)
  297. AardvarkBarber (61 points, 14 comments)
  298. ab00kley (61 points, 10 comments)
  299. orngbrry (60 points, 13 comments)
  300. thedeathmachine (60 points, 13 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Area 51 is getting stormed already by sklrgrld (784 points, 71 comments)
  2. Hang loose 🤟 by Madflex2000 (777 points, 53 comments)
  3. Some pics I got from Cedar Point by SBPlayzz (559 points, 41 comments)
  4. Yukon Striker [📸 by Chris Robart] by SuperCub (512 points, 42 comments)
  5. The treble clef element on Fury 325 at Carowinds by managed__mischief (489 points, 48 comments)
  6. Making the most out of limited space... by xxemeraldxx2 (469 points, 39 comments)
  7. Good vs Evil by theNick_C (459 points, 29 comments)
  8. Beautiful picture of Gröna lund in Stockholm, Sweden by xxemeraldxx2 (449 points, 38 comments)
  9. Looking up Millennium Force's support structure. by RUANTHEALT (443 points, 23 comments)
  10. Abandoned car of Wildcat backstage at Cedar Point by RUANTHEALT (437 points, 72 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 176 points: TDChrisGO's comment in Got stuck in Maverick's tunnel for about 20 or so minutes
  2. 129 points: monotonejord's comment in Wonder Woman was next level, probably one of the best coasters in Texas
  3. 127 points: JustJeff236's comment in In Before Taylor starts flooding the community with Japan pics - Takabisha @ Fuji Q Highland
  4. 123 points: RrevinEvann's comment in Consider my mind blown
  5. 119 points: zberry7's comment in Hang loose 🤟
  6. 103 points: MrBrightside711's comment in Promo video of Maverick showing the original heartline roll. How did ANYONE think that was a good idea.
  7. 94 points: hailtovictors's comment in Area 51 is getting stormed already
  8. 80 points: FSUFanChris's comment in Which 4 roller coaster designers should appear on the Roller Coaster Designer Mount Rushmore?
  9. 79 points: TPA_Grunge_97's comment in Got stuck in Maverick's tunnel for about 20 or so minutes
  10. 75 points: DafoeFoSho's comment in Today and tomorrow Joey Schadenberg (NL) is doing an 20h challenge on the worst SLC ever built
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Life After Denny's Chapter 9

Previous Chapter
The latter half of my week got unexpectedly busy so I had to take some time to finish this chapter up today. Hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for waiting. :)
Twists and turns, twists and turns. Strange beings and his stomach churned. Up and over, here we go. It’s another inversion and Paul’s going to hurl.
Paul planted himself, with a thud, against the cold metal of someone’s home. The person on the other side thudded back.
“Jeez, he doesn’t look good,” said Rock, rolling up to Paul’s side.
Clyda knelt down in front of Paul. “Paul, what’s the matter?”
“The twists… and turning… Have-have you ever felt like you’re falling up? It’s… it’s like a roller coaster, but inside of falling down, you’re falling up.” Paul reached up towards the starlit sky. “What is up even? Are we not—”
Paul’s face lost all colour.
“Paul!” said Clyda while she lunged to stop him from falling over. She paused mid-lunge when Paul’s cheeks went full. And she looked away as Paul’s insides evacuated. He was happy it came out of his mouth this time. Rock wasn’t too happy, though, mainly because most of it emptied on him.
“Son of a—”
“I’m suh sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s fine. I’ll find some water and get it all washed off. You just… make sure you’re alright.” Rock sped off down the alley, leaving a trail of unpleasantries along the way.
Clyda took a seat beside Paul. “If you’re going to do that again, make sure you do on the same side,” she said.
“How are you okay?”
“I don’t know. Why are you not?”
“Ugh, I don’t know. Maybe because up is down and left is… well, it’s still left. But up is down and it’s like we’re spinning in a washing machine, going round and round and round…” Paul spun his head and continued saying, “round,” until he vomited to the side again.
“You do realize we’re not spinning, right? The sky isn’t moving if you look up at it.”
Paul’s nerves shook as he crept both eyes towards the sky. Clyda was right, the sky was as stagnant as it was on Earth. In fact, even less so, it never moved at all. Everything was in his head. Well, maybe not everything. It’s not normal to be able to circumvent the center of gravity it minutes. It’s not right to look down a pathway and feel that you could walk and fall down this path with equal probability. But so far, the builders of the city did a fine job making sure horrific falls did not happen.
Paul breathed out his anxieties. “You’re right, you’re right,” he said. Paul leaned his head back and watched the passerbyers. Many of them paused for a moment to compliment Paul on his outfit. Then they saw the mess beside him and sped away. They waited for Rock to return and he did just as they were getting up to look for him.
“Hey! Not that way! Common, follow!” Rock said and he raced around the corner. Down the pathway, Rock bounced up and down at one of the doorways. “In here!”
They entered the bar, which was empty for all but one lumpy-skinned alien. It sat on a stool facing a display of twinkling lights. Their feet were more like stumps and arms like tentacles, swirling to the beat of the music. For a moment, they stopped and a loud fart sounded.
It turned, looking with all of their twelve eyes and said, “wasn’t me.” They turned back around and cackled like a vacuum cleaner sucking up rocks.
Paul’s attention went back to the bar. It’s decor was all glass, filled with a white liquid that seemed to swim into the seat, swim up to the ceiling and back down. Within glimmered balls of light, shining dull than bright as they tumbled through the medium. In the middle was a circular bar and within the middle of that spiraled a slide decorated with bottles. Each bottle, a unique shape and colour beyond anything Paul had ever seen. The bartender appeared, sliding down and greeting them with a smile.
Her purple skin reflected against the glass as she leaned on the bar. Paul wasn’t sure where to look since her face had no eyes and her mouth happened to be on her chest, between her breasts. Due to her height, this just so happen to be at eye-level for Paul. He also noticed a slight, yet deep knocking sound seemed to come from her head. Aside from all this, her features were practically human and she wore a white deep v-neck and jeans.
“What’s your poison?” she said. Her faceless head gave Paul the up-and-down. “Nice outfit.”
“... Thanks.”
“We’ll have 3 shots of Lexton Snipple, with cedar salt,” said Rock. “And feel free to throw in some ritz.”
“Coming right up!” The barmaid reached under the bar and pulled out a whip, which she twirled in the air. She launched it behind, snagging a bottle by the head and thrust it back towards her. It landed in her hand and she slammed the bottle on the counter. Its head popped off and a sweet, lemony aroma filled the air.
The whip snapped again, reaching above the ceiling and three blocks of salt fell on the counter, not much larger than Paul’s thumb. She took the bottle and poured into the center of each block. The liquid dissolved a little cup and jiggled at the edge of the block. Then the barmaid extended her nail above each block and scrapped a bit into each drink.
“Mmm, that’s good ritz,” said Rock. “Not all barmaids will do that for you, so you better be thankful for it. That stuff there reacts especially to keratin—you know the stuff your nails are made of. It helps balance a drink out, but it’s so popular that it’s usually kept for the rich. Our lucky day.”
Paul took one of the blocks. “Umm, thanks,” he said and Clyda did the same.
“Now, one of you pour the drink into my mouth.”
Paul took the leftover salt block and held it above Rock, who leaned back with his mouth open.
“Cheers!” he said and Paul poured it in. After gulping it down, Rock looked back at Paul and Clyda. “You said you wanted a drink, now drink.”
Clyda sniffed the drink. “Cheers..?” she said and tapped Paul’s. They gulped it down and it was wonderful.
The taste was sweet, but calmed by the saltiness. Not too salty, though, because the sourness soothed that away. Altogether, it washed clean leaving no lingering tastes and a soft numbing sensation.
“That’s 190 proof, you want another?”
“Oh dear, no,” said Paul, “I’ll be on the floor.”
“Softies,” muttered Rock.
“Heh, we can’t all be as hard as a rock,” said Paul. Neither Clyda nor Rock found it amusing.
Rock ordered another drink and, after getting Paul to feed it to him, he began to talk about why they were talking at all.
“Spigot, he’s an ass,” he said. “Smarter than anyone I’ve ever met in the universe, but an ass. In fact… I lied to you about my parents. They didn’t name me, Spigot did. And he named me because he created me.”
“You’re a robot?” Paul asked.
“Robot? No! I live and breathe. You think I took that drink just to show off ‘how alive I am’? No, Rocktecks are living things. He created a whole planet of us.” The barmaid walked back to the slide that brought her down to the bar. She leaned back on it and it seemed to draw her back up to the second floor and out of sight.
Rock went on to tell them about Zelocky Rock, a planet entirely comprised of Zelock Amber plantations and Rocktecks, who harvested the amber. The name came from Spigot’s favourite Old English writer, George R. R. Martin. A tribute to his favourite house from the Game of Thrones series. Here, the Rocktecks jumped and smashed into the Zelock trees, day-in and day-out. It would damage the trees enough that the resin in the trees oozed out. Overtime, it hardened and, by then, another Rockteck will have bashed into the tree and dislodged it.
The Rocktecks were a type of biologically engineered species. Spigot coded an organism that would absorb and redistribute silica on the exterior of its cell membrane. Underneath that would be muscle and a central nervous system. Apparently, at the time, Spigot was very lonely, so he allowed these creatures to have a brain and social functions. This ended up backfiring on him when the Rocktecks began to refuse work. As a solution, they were allowed to vacation throughout the universe as long as 5 million Rocktecks inhabited the planet. Any issues about who would go and for how long was up to them. It worked for awhile, but the Rocktecks were getting restless. They wanted a change.
“The planet itself was created by Spigot,” said Rock, “built from nothing. It is nothing but a machine. A machine that absorbs all the amber into it, so it can be shipped throughout the galaxy. But we aren’t machines and we’re tired of being treated like them.”
“So, he’s smart and rich, created you and you’re tired of him?” said Clyda. “That’s what you had to tell us?”
“Unbelievable.” Clyda shook her head. “Anything else?”
“Yes! Of course. But you have to understand, this means you have to be careful. He always finds ways to get what he wants.”
“Then we shouldn’t be talking to you, should we?”
“No, you shouldn’t,” said Rock, “but I can help you. You just have to help me too.”
Paul’s phone went off. He checked it.
“Come now! We have a meeting! Now now now now now!”
“Umm,” said Paul, “I gotta go.”
“Yes, go,” said Rock. “And act normal. If they knew you two were talking to me, they’d expect something.”
“Sure,” said Paul and he turned to Clyda. “Are you coming? He said for you to come to the meetings.”
“No! I have to tell someone the plan. We still haven’t really ‘talked.’”
Clyda shrugged. “I’m okay with not going. I believe he wanted me there because he thinks I'm attractive? Being a piece of meat was never something I was too thrilled about.”
Paul stared at Rock for some kind of objection, expecting that it would be abnormal for her not to go if she was told to. He looked right back at him as if he was wondering why Paul hadn’t left yet.
“Just make up something,” Rock finally said. “Dan has bigger issues to worry about than whether or not a woman comes along.”
Paul’s phone went off again.
Paul hurried, hearing the first bits of Rock and Clyda’s conversation as he left. “You know that key? Well, it doesn’t unlock something, it…” and Paul was out the door.
Keeping his eyes on the spire, Paul navigated himself through the streets. The drink seemed to calm his nausea from before and he strode through with a new-found confidence. When he arrived at the city center and saw Dan with his arms crossed, scanning the surroundings.
An alien the size of a fox ran up to Paul’s side. It would have been pleasant if it resembled a fox as well. Unfortunately, it looked more like a diseased beetle. Large green boils swelled under its black shell and its grey skin peeked out underneath. It wore some sort of backpack that fed a tube into its nose.
“The new guy walks the steps to greater horizons. If he should stumble, he may stumble off the edge of the world,” it said.
“Excuse me?”
“To communicate for Dan is his purpose. And the soft air of today’s meeting will tell: ‘is he worthy to lead or be devoured?’”
“Well, I’d prefer not to be devoured,” said Paul.
The window pane ahead of them slid open.
“Get down here, Finx, you're already late!” Dan yelled. Paul obliged and jumped through the window—not bashing his head this time. While he soared through the air he felt the drink starting the hit him. The fall felt like an eternity as the world became a blur. Somehow, he still landed on his feet.
“Where were you?” asked Dan. “I’ve been waiting 5 minutes for you. And… have you been drinking?”
Paul tried to keep a straight face. “No,” he said. “And Cly-- Promenade’s isn’t coming.”
“You… we’re going to have a talk after this.” Just then, the customer landed.
“An exchange of riches to come this day. Take mine, for yours. When the dust settles and we part our ways, smiles come and welcome our gains.”
“This is Spit,” said Dan into Paul’s ear, “Spigot’s right-hand man. He deals with all the… dirty sides of the business.”
“And on this day I come to restore my stores. Fill my stock, so out into the universal garden I can plant seeds to grow.”
“And he tries to sound poetic when he speaks,” Dan continued. “Just ignore it.”
“O-okay,” said Paul with a stupid smile.
“So tell me, Finx, what does this creature want?”
“I don’t know. What do you want little creature?”
Spit’s back straightened. “An exchange of currency to pass between us. For the master of water is in the presence of the master of funds. We but need a full container to sprinkle the galaxies with cool elixir.”
“He said something about an exchange and spreading a container over the galaxy,” said Paul. He noticed Spit’s machine made a high-pitched whistle every time he exhaled. In the drunken slumber, Paul couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s not what I said! And stop laughing!”
The whistle sounded louder as Spit took deeper breaths. Paul was on the floor laughing.
“Finx, stop it, this is embarrassing,” said Dan.
“Act normal,” popped into Paul’s head. He tried to compose himself when another whistle sang.
“What did you drink, Finx? Lexton Snipple or something?” Dan asked.
Paul stopped. “Ye-yes, how did you—”
“Ohhhhhh,” both Dan and Spit hummed.
“You gave your communicator Lexton Snipple before a meeting? Ridiculous,” said Spit.
“No, of course not!”
“Oh, so you can talk to us?! You just choose not to!?”
“Of course I can hear you! What do you think I am, deaf? I just choose not to or I’d have the whole city trying to talk to me. I guess you don’t speak all poetically all the time either, do you? Do you?!”
“Not when I’m angry!”
“Oh, please,” said Dan and then he turned to Paul. “Go to the outhouse and sit in there until we’re finished. What a disaster.”
Paul’s anxieties crept through his inside like vines on a tree. He had sealed his fate and worst of all, brought Clyda down with him. Ashamed, he sat on the toilet, listening the exchange of Dan and Spit. They argued back and forth at how much an inconvenience it was for everyone to speak through these ‘communicators’ all the time and Dan argued he already had to live in a bubble to stay safe, so what was the big deal that he limit his availability. Spit was livid at all the wasted time it took to get even the simplest proposal through and Dan told him if he wanted another source of ocean water, to go find it. That just about settled it, they agreed to disagree and it was done. Dan would not reveal that Spit did not always speak so poetically and Spit agreed not to tell anyone that Dan spoke directly to him.
Paul was urinating when Dan knocked on the door. “You can come out now,” he said.
As quick as the alcohol hit him, it was leaving Paul. He finished up and noticed the sign on the door. “Leave, shut door and flush from the outside - Dan the Man”. This sign was just below a little latch and spout, which seemed to run out of the outhouse. Paul followed the directions and exited. He heard a great whoosh, that quickly ended. What it seemed, was that the small door at the bottom of the toilet opened and since they were already at the center of the city, it only had one place to empty. It emptied into the black hole. Paul’s urine had just become part of the black hole.
It appeared that Spit had left and Dan sat at his table, tapping his fingernails against the steel surface.
“Sit,” he said and Paul sat down. “Now, today was not a normal day for you, was it?”
Paul shook his head.
“First day on Venuuba, first day on the job, first Lexton Snipple… well, that alone is quite a bit. That’s why I’m going to give you another chance. I’ve canceled all appointments for today and Spit is going to take care of distribution tomorrow. So, enjoy the rest of the day and tomorrow and come back ready to work after that. Is that okay?”
Paul nodded, feeling the stress slide off his back.
“Ah, the Lexton Snipple,” Dan continued, “now that’s a drink that everyone has a ‘first-time’ story to tell.” Dan went on to tell Paul all about his first time. All Paul could think of was that, “everyone has a ‘first-time’ story.’” And that meant Clyda was going to have a first time story. And what Paul had failed to do before he left her, was figure a way to get back to her.
“... I had to steal a ship just to get out of there in time!” Dan laughed. “Oh, those were the days. Anyway, Finx,” he pressed the button under the table, “enjoy the rest of your day.”
Paul left and tried to remember his bearing. Did he go straight and left? Was it a right after? What did the bar even look like from the outside. Well, it looked like every other place in the whole city. It wasn’t the outside that differed here, it was the inside. For one without a map, it was an endless labyrinth that had a center and an edge.
“Communicator man, who’s drinking broke his hand,” said a voice from behind. Spit walked up to Paul. “Finx, I believe it was. May we sync as we seek answers in our time.”
“Hey, do you know where—”
“I know many things but you must listen first. As a flower must blossom before it can be seen, first you must listen before you can find what you seek. If water is but the one life from within,” Spit pointed towards Dan’s home, “then it must come from a place. If it is found, then life can fly great arches in the sky and all dreams gain moisture to thrive into life. If one could search, they may find it, and find it and tell it. If they tell it, they shall receive an unquestionable reprieve.”
Paul’s mouth stood open while his mind tried to put the pieces together. One thing he was never great at was puzzles, in fact, he used a hammer from most puzzles to get the pieces to fit. Spit seemed to realized by the blank expression, that he was getting nowhere. So, he crawled up to Paul’s ear.
“Listen, he gets his water supply from somewhere. We watch him all day and somehow, every shipment and deal he’s got ocean water for us. There has to be somewhere he gets it. If you find it, we’ll figure out a way to get you out of here. I’ll figure out a way. Sound good?”
Paul nodded.
“Good.” Spit hopped down. “Oh valiant human, tread on, for the future waits with gold.”
“Do you know how to get to the bar?”
“Bars, like snow, are plentiful and unique. If you wish to find a single one, you may need a magnifying glass.”
“Great, thanks,” said Paul. He kept his eyes on the alley and noticed most of the aliens passing by were all going in the same direction.
“Welcome, you are, and if there is sarcasm, I say, do not ask questions with no answers.”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Paul and he began to walk towards the crowd.
“A deal we have, is that correct?!” Paul heard Spit yell.
The aliens seemed to be in a rush. Paul stopped one of the more friendly looking ones to ask what was going on.
“Oh, so you want to ask me a question? What a surprise. Probably cause I look friendly, right? Oh, let’s all ask the person that looks friendly to help us. Not this guy or that girl, no. They don’t look friendly, but hey, this guy is smiling, so he must be nice.”
“Umm,” said Paul, but the alien went on.
“You know how many times I get stopped in a day? Guess, guess! At least twice, and they always say, ‘sorry, you just looked friendly.’ You know Gue-a over there?” he pointed towards a bipedal with fur and long fangs. They had a manic look in their eyes. “No, you probably don’t because if you did, you would know he just spent the last 300 hours helping feed starving Yudis. Selflessly giving all his time, all his energy, all his spirit to help those unfortunate souls. But would you go ask him for help? No! ‘He has a manic look about him.’ That’s what you’d probably say. He’s one of the best people in this city and you can’t even look at him without wanting to look away. You make me sick. Now, what is it you wanted?”
Paul was stunned. He forgot what he wanted.
“Oh, let me guess. You don’t remember. After this reality shock, you can’t think of one more damn thing.” He scuffed at Paul. “Typical. Well, if you remember, go ask him.” And the alien went away into the crowd.
Paul approached the kind-hearted alien. “Hey, Gue-a? Ummm, do you know what's going on?” he asked. The alien looked back with eyes so frantic with fear that Paul assumed there was something horrific behind him.
“Y-yes. I… I know what, what, what's happening. It, it's because of a wo-woman,” said the creature. “Sh-she stole a speaker and p-played music. And she is still playing. And dancing.”
Dancing. Paul had to see this. He thanked Gue-a and fought through the crowds until he heard Clyda’s voice singing.
Gotta get this life on, gettin’ my dance on.”
The beats spat out, filling the small streets. At a crossroad, Paul watched as Clyda threw her hands in the air and did circles with her hips. She was practically plastered.
Gotta turn this beat up, get out of your seat, up!
Paul couldn’t believe it. She must have had one more drink. He took out his phone and recorded a short clip. Afterward, Paul noticed Rock sitting on the other side of the circle, rocking back and forth to the music. Paul made his way over, careful not to show Clyda he was there—not that she would care at this point.
“So,” said Paul, “when did this begin?”
Rock laughed hysterically. “Oh, P-Finx! Maybe about twenty minutes ago.”
“So she had another drink?”
“And I guess you failed to mention what that does to people?”
“Ye-ugh,” Rock paused. “Were you alright?”
“Well, if you had some sort of plan it almost went to shit at the meeting.”
“Oh no, what did you do?”
“I had my ‘first Lexton Snipple’ story, that’s all, but you knew that would happen, didn’t you?”
A regrettable look fell upon Rock’s face. “I didn’t expect you to get called, honestly. And yeah, I wanted to be part of your first story and see what happened. I mean, look at this.” He looked at Clyda. “Now, that’s a great ‘first-time story’!”
It was hilarious at first for Paul to watch Clyda unwind, but there was another side starting to surface. Something about seeing the vacant face of hers singing another terrible pop song while he body just barely missed each beat made him feel like this wasn’t really her. The her outside of this performance would be running up to tell her she didn’t want to be doing this. And that wouldn’t be happening, so Paul had to take charge.
“Rock, do you have somewhere we can go? I think Cly-Promenade has put on enough of a performance.”
“You don’t want to go where I go if this is too much for you,” he said.
“Fine. Can you show us where the shipyard is again? We can just stay in our ship.”
“But we could—”
Paul had enough of this. All he could hear was Clyda’s voice cracking as she tried to hit a high note. “Rock, if you need us, you will do this or we won’t be helping you,” said Paul.
“Fine, but I’m not helping you get her there.”
“Great.” And Paul walked into the circle. “Hey,” he said to Clyda, “time to get going!”
“Dance with me, Paul,” Clyda said as she took his hands. A murmur went through the crowd.
“Now, now, Promenade, remember what you said earlier?”
She shook her head, still dancing back and forth with her hips.
“You said you didn’t want to be a piece of meat. Now all these people are watching you.”
Clyda stopped dancing. Was that too harsh? She looked around. It seemed like for the first time since Paul arrived, she looked at her surroundings. Immediately, her shoulders slouched and her eyes went to the floor.
“Get me out of here,” she said.
They walked back to Rock among some ‘boo’s’ and one ‘she still has to pay for that speaker!’. Rock was nice enough to learn the shopkeeper’s address and promised to come back and pay for the speaker. She was okay with it and told him that he should let the girl know she was a wonderful dancer. Then, the crowd began to disperse as Rock led the way to the shipyard.
Before they arrived at the shipyard, Rock stopped and told them it wasn’t safe for them to be seen together any further. Paul decided to tell Rock about what had happened at the meeting, leaving out the part where Spit offered to help them. Paul still wasn’t sure who he could really trust here but wanted to keep his options open. When the story was told Rock decided to leave and said he would be around the city center if they needed to talk to him.
Paul took Clyda up to her bedroom and, at this point, she was suffering from a terrible headache and regained her former self. With some water, she started to feel better and lay on her bed, asking about what she had done.
“That is so embarrassing,” she said.
“Yep, and I have some of it on video.”
“Ugh,” she moaned and dug her head into her pillow. She turned back and opened her eyes. “Oh, your poor head.” She took out her hand and rubbed the top of Paul’s head. “It looks like you’re growing an apple on it.”
Paul winced back. It was still very tender. “Yeah, it doesn’t hurt as much as it did when it happened. So that’s good.”
“You should put some ice on it.”
“I will.”
The conversation seemed to end as Clyda closed her eyes. Paul stood up to leave.
“Paul, besides the whole, maybe we’re going to die, thing. This has been alright. I’m glad I came.”
“Me too,” said Paul and he left to find some ice.
Next Chapter
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My grandpa passed away..

This past Sunday (March 1st, 2015) my papa passed away. He was the most incredible individual I've ever had in my life. I've never had such a connection with someone and I'm struggling to cope with him being gone. Reality has somewhat started to set in for me though. Especially in the morning and at night when I have nothing to distract myself with. But instead of writing this to explain my feelings I wanted to share some of my most favorite of the memories I have with him because he truly was and is my happiness. I'm just going to type whatever I remember and not think or edit it so excuse the randomness, errors, or any run-on sentences.
He has always lived a street corner away from my family. I like to think my mom and dad purposefully made that so. We had been the best of pals since I was a baby and have kept our relationship close. I hate even using past tense to describe him it absolutely shatters my heart. Papa has always been the piece of my life that has made me happy. He was so encouraging, loving, hilarious, and adorable.
I remember all the way back to when I was 4 years old and we went to a mall nearby that had a pet store (which we went to until I was 12 frequently until the mall shut down) where you could hold any of the animals and the sales associates wouldn't badger you to purchase a single one and we called it the "special pet store". It had all the common pets you could think of oddly including a monkey. But papa and I loved the cockatoo. He was so friendly and he would love to climb on papa's shoulders and my head. I remember one time when we came back after meeting the cockatoo, papa said he was going to put a cracker in his pocket to see if the cockatoo would eat it. It did, and we giggled about it all the way home.
I remember how papa always would go above and beyond to entertain me as a child no matter what. We would go putt-putt golfing and he would purposefully lose the game so I could win and he could buy me an ice cream for winning. We would go to the zoo, the aquarium, play outside, you name it. Specifically we would go to this place we loved to go to together called Young's Dairy. It had the putt-putt golfing I mentioned, farm animals, goats you could feed, ice cream, and depending on the season hay rides. I couldn't tell you how long we fed the goats each time but papa would go to the bank before we left for Young's Dairy to specifically get dimes so we could get the goat food out of the machines they have there. We always strove to get the young goats to come to the fence so I could pet them. I was obsessed with baby animals.
Papa always expressed how fond of this memory he was too:
We used to drive in the van and blast oldies music and sing our hearts out together. I remember our favorite song to sing was "Wild Thing" and I didn't know why at the age I was but he would crack up laughing every time. We were driving back from somewhere once and I think I was 6 years old and I was telling him a story about how I had told my mom what I wanted for the upcoming Christmas (it was summer time) and my mom said, "Kayla, it's a long time until Christmas!", and shook her finger in my face. I repeated this to papa in my best mom voice and we laughed about it for years and years to come. We thought that was the most hilarious thing.
As I'm sure you can tell from above my papa and I adore animals. We shared that love together. From when I was 5-10 years old, every Easter papa would have an animal in his house he got just for me. Let me explain. One year, my family would all come over and papa would have a huge makeshift pen set up in his living room with a bunny inside just for me to play with for the day. The next year 5 ducklings. The next, little chicks. And so on. I remember I was so excited to be able to play with all these baby animals and love them for just a day with papa. Later on in life, he told me he used to think the way I played with the animals was so loving and sweet and he said I just wanted nothing but to protect them and give them love. He said I was going to be a great mom one day. I also found out that the way he would only get the animals for a day. He would go to this store called "Foys" and they had unique animals in the back that they sold. He told me when I was little that he was "renting" them but really he just bought them and returned them. They wouldn't allow a refund but he did it anyways. Another Easter memory: papa would always let me go pick out an excessive Easter basket to take home. Then we would go all out with coloring eggs. He bought something new to try every year from glitter packs to stickers to 3D foam. We have carried out that tradition until my current age at 21.
I remember the one and only time I thought papa was upset with me. I don't remember exactly what I had done or said but I soley remember him snapping at me and I was in shock. I cried for hours and hours. When I was older, we somehow got on the subject of what I had done and I told him that was the only time I thought he had ever gotten mad at me and it had hurt my feelings so badly. He told me he could never be mad at me that he was only mad at the thing I had done. He said I could never do anything wrong. I was perfect in his eyes no matter what.
Skipping a ways into the future on my 16th birthday. I keep all of my cards from everyone as long as they say more than "Happy Birthday! Love, Whoever." This particular birthday, papa wrote more than his usual "Love you bunches and bunches!" He took the time to write out a 3 page list of all of his favorite memories of him and I together. Ones that I cherish and ones that I had forgotten and am so happy I have that piece of paper to always remember them.
His wife, and my grandma, passed away when I was 15. Papa started to distance himself a bit from everyone and went to Florida during the winter months. He traveled and lived life to the fullest when he couldn't during grandma's life and his together because he had to take care of her. He loved her more than anything though and she meant more to him than life itself. I cherished every moment I was able to spend with papa while he was home. I'm a full time student and have a part time job on top of that but I was able to see him at least once a week for a few hours and every weekend he would come over for dinner and late night chats.
Papa has always been in tune with my life and interests. We both really enjoyed Lady Gaga. At one point he had "Bad Romance" as his text tone! (LOL). One time during one of my visits he surprised me with something. He had recorded a 7 hour interview with Lady Gaga and he said he planned to do it just so he and I could watch it together. We watched the whole thing and had the best time doing it. I went over to his house so just him and I could talk about whatever was on our minds for hours and hours. Whether it was completely serious or just us being our silly selves.
I remember papa and I loved roller coasters too. At his age of 68 we went to Cedar Point and rode every single "big" ride. We have been there twice together and Kings Island multiple times as well. He called me his little daredevil and always said I was so brave. He would talk about it constantly and we would send each other new roller coasters that were being built and express our excitement to ride them together. We had made a pact to ride the new Batman roller coaster being built but it wasn't built soon enough..
For the last year of my papa's life he was in the hospital multiple times for extremely different reasons. For as long as I've known papa he never got sick, never was in the hospital, never was anything but my papa. The first time he got sick I was so scared. I didn't know what to think. I went and visited him in the hospital and couldn't bare seeing him with his IV in and appearing so helpless in the hospital bed. But in the next week he was out and papa again. Most of the year had passed but he went back just a few months ago from now (March) because he got so sick. He had the seasonal flu and that can be extremely detremental to elders especially over the age of 60 and could even lead to death depending on the strength of their immune systems. My papa is not one to ever go to the doctors. He would rather stay at home and just let it "fix itself" but the flu doesn't just fix itself. He waited so long to call an ambulance that they said he was at such a low percentage of oxygen that he would have died if he had waited 10 more minutes. I had never been so scared in my whole life but it seemed so surreal because I thought papa was invincible. I don't know why I had that concept in my head and have my whole life because I think that makes everything hurt so much more. Once papa had somewhat recovered from that he made the poor decision to go down to Florida because he thought he needed the warm air to feel better. Once he got down there he was doing fine for a week but landed himself in the hospital again with a rare condition. He stomach was digesting any of the foods or liquids that he was consuming and they had to remove all of it from his body. The surgery was successful and my dad and Uncle had even gone down to Florida to be with papa while he was in the hospital. My dad left the day before papa was being released from the hospital with high hopes and good words from the doctors of a full recovery within the month. The morning after my dad came home the doctors called and said papa had passed away in his sleep at 5:30 a.m. because of a blood clot. A blood clot...
I am at a loss for all words. It's so unreal. I love my papa more than anything in this whole world. He has made such a huge impact on my life. He made such a huge impact on so many people's lives. Anyone he met, loved him instantly. He was the type of man you could strike up a conversation with even if you had never met it'd feel like you had been best friends forever. I love you, papa. I wish I could say that to you one more time..but I'll always wish I could have done everything with you one more time.
submitted by sukkadick to offmychest [link] [comments]

Been having a lot of roller coaster nightmares recently.

Well the title says what my topic is about. Either I don't remember my dream at all or I have nightmares about roller coasters at Cedar Point. I'm a roller coaster enthusiast but these dreams really creep me out. But whenever I go to cedar point in real life the slight fear goes away and all I do is have boats of fun riding roller coasters there. So anyways, I have dreams that at cedar point the roller coasters collapse in front of me and I hear screams that give me a cringe and sends shivers down my spines. Because they're falling to their death. And when the roller coaster collapses it falls onto another rollercoaster which makes that roller coaster collapse and crushing the people in the train. There is blood everywhere and no one cares. They walk like nothing happened. But in my dreams there is barely anyone there. I dream that I'm on a roller coaster and the harness undoes itself and so I'm left there holding on for dear life while I'm being whipped around like a rag doll. I see the roller coaster breaks break and so the train runs into another train and it derails and the train falls into Lake Erie and the people riding the rollercoaster drowns because the harnes won't open itself and they quickly fall to the bottom of the lake because the train weighs 2+ tons. And I dream that when the roller coasters collapse they create holes and Lake Erie starts to flood through the holes and causes the whole island to be underwater and people drown because a tree fell on top f them or something like that. I see people swimming to keep themself from drowning but they get tired and they slowly stop and they sink into te water. I had a dream about this last night but it was probably the most creepiest dream I had about this subject. I saw the train station for the millennium force collapse and I went over to check out the ruins. And when I was there I saw a scorpion engrave a crucifix with its stinger on one of the metal poles still standing and the scorpion stared at me into my eyes. Then suddenly I was in the cottages at cedar point (they appear in my dream a lot because my family goes to them 3-5 time a summer in real life) and my little cousin jimmy asked me to come with him to get him a snack at the 24/7 party store next to the check in area for the cottages (people who have been in the cottages at cedar point might know what I'm talking about) and it was raining badly, like hurricane kinda weather. So I'm walking with jimmy and suddenly I end up inside the amusement park. It's 2 am, severe storming, and I only see 3 girls standing near a bush. So I thought to myself we can break into one of the mini stores at the amusement park because we're only going to be taking a candy bar or two. I go to the store door and I try to open it but it won't work. While I'm trying to open it it suddenly stops raining. I try to push and pull but it still won't open. While I'm pushing and pulling I hear a roller coaster collapse and I hear the screams an cries of the people falling off the roller coaster again. I try to keep to myself and I jiggle the doorknob once again. I look up an I see the store sign has a bloody crucifix on it. I finally turn around and I see the people who died from the roller coaster come alive with crucifixes engraved on their foreheads, jimmy has a crucifix on his forehead, and the 3 girls have a crucifix on their forehead as well. They start going after me. They all have grey gleeming eyes and they go after me faster and faster. I start running and they run after me yelling the bible in Latin and with very deep voices. I suddenly get stuck because a giant cross with dead Jesus is in the way and I am surrounded by the newly alive people, jimmy, and the 3 girls . I look down and see my arms have bleeding crucifixes on them engraved by the scorpion stinger. I look up and they are about to kill me and then I wake up . There dreams don't really change my view on roller coasters, but they still give me the heebiejeebies. What the hell do these dreams mean ?
submitted by DrRemyHadley to Dreams [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I work at Cedar Point as a ride host, ask me anything!

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Date: 2013-06-05
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Questions Answers
Have you ever had someone so fat that they weren't allowed on a ride? How did you tell them? We have to do it everyday, multiple times. We usually say something along the lines of "If the seat belt doesn't clasp, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the platform." and then walk away quickly so it doesn't get too awkward.
I remember once at Great Adventure, one lady was throwing a shit fit when they wouldn't let her on the coaster. The kid was trying to explain "I'm sorry but you're physically larger than the seat, you will fall out and die if I let you on" but she wasn't having any of it. That happens quite a bit. My favorite (sarcasm out the ass) is when parents complain about their child's height. "What do you mean, she's too short?!" Really? I don't see how you could not understand what that sentence means.
Rider of exceptional size here... How pissed do you guys get when someone tells you to not stop forcing it till they bleed? No one has asked that of me, but I always offer. Sometimes, if I'm feeling generous, I break the rules and buckle it for them. We all do once and awhile.
My guess is that they understand what the sentence literally means, but not the implications. You could say "Because she is too short, the restraints won't hold her and she will be flung from the car" or something like that. Haha, it's a joke.
About to go for the first time this summer. Will the Millennium Force actually rip my face off? :D. Millenium force will make you orgasm, and then forget to call you the next morning.
Also, what's your least favorite aspect of the job? My least favorite aspect is how people are incredibly rude to you once you don a uniform. They assume that since they paid to get in, they can treat me like shit because I work there. I am not your slave. I am Cedar Point's slave. There's a difference.
Ugh, god, customer service industry blows, man. :( Sorry people are so rude to ya. You get used to it, haha.
What is it like in the summer? Are the all day plus tickets REALLY worth it against the all day ones? and, what is the craziest person/group of people you've ever seen while working? I've only been working for a month, but so far, I would say anything you have to buy extra here at Cedar Point is a bust. The only thing worth buying extra is Fast Lane, but not Fast Lane Plus. Craziest group of people would have to be the Amish. We get loads of Amish, every single day. It's actually really funny to see them running around in their terribly thick dresses.
Didnt it say the extra all day plus was only to get on TTD and the Gatekeeper? Yes, but it is an extra 15 dollars per purchase.
Not bad, but that can add up... A hell of a lot!
I have probably been to Cedar Point 8 times. I used to go every summer when I was a kid. What made you want to take this position working at Cedar Point though? It's been a really long time since I've been back; so I'm curious to what you think the best ride or attraction is. On a scale of awesome to amazing, how great is the Raptor?! I wanted to work here, honestly, because I knew it would kick my ass. I've been trying to stay clean from drugs and alcohol, and this makes it harder yet easier at the same time, because I don't even have time for it. The Raptor is indeed amazing, but the Maverick is by far the greatest ride.
Good for you then! Take it one day at a time! I'll have to check out the Maverick next time I go then. It's definitely the most intense. There used to be a twist in it called a "Heartline Flip", that was so tight, it caused your center of gravity to switch to your heart. They took it out a week before they opened Maverick to the public.
As someone with a heart problem, I'm kind of glad. haha. Exactly why they took it out. It didn't cause a ton of stress, but Cedar Point has never had anyone die in the park because of them, so they're trying to keep that going.
How are the dorms they give you? I've heard some horror stories about them. They're pretty terrible, yeah. My building had a bed bug issue for a few weeks, a dozen or so rooms had heaters in them that rose the temperature to 180, as that is the only way to kill the bedbugs I guess. We have three to four people in a tiny room, and no access to a kitchen. Bathrooms are public, including showers. Laundry prices aren't terrible, but they still hit hard when you make what we do.
Fuckin Cedars showers... Move to Commons if you get the chance, brother. Air conditioning :) I do indeed live in commons, still miserable haha.
I worked at kings island for 3 years (two on the racer and opened diamondback), so even though I don't really have a question, I totally respect and understand the job. What ride/rides do you work on? Which is your favorite? I'd rather not say which ride I work, because I am willing to answer all questions, and Cedar Fair considers many things to be secrets. My favorite is Maverick, it's so intense.
Which days of the week are the slowest? Right now those days don't exist, because schools bring classes during the week, and families come on weekends. Once school lets out, early weekdays will be the slowest. I prefer the busy days, as I have more to do.
It only gets worse in July and August, plus way hotter. May/June was a cake walk compared to mid summer. Luckily you get better and faster at your job by then. Enjoy the experience, it's one you'll never forget. Your crew becomes your family. Source: TTD Crew 07. I would agree, but my crew is pretty shitty. We don't get along at all, we're all from different worlds. I've considered quitting early, because I have a lot of siblings to see.
I hear ya. I ended up switching to maintenance half way through the season and changing light bulbs on the rides. Loved my team but the guests were fucking annoying. So much truth.
I my phone has dropped from the top of the Magnum. I went to the lost and found office the next day and I was extremely surprised and pleased that they actually found my phone and in good condition. Do you actually search the bottom of all the coasters? Every single night. And believe it or not, we're all actually really good about turning the things we find in. We legally have to, but of course we could get away with it. Everyone I've encountered is pretty good at being honest. With money, or anything valuable, we turn it in, and then "claim" it. If no one picks it up in a certain amount of time (depending on the value of the item[s]) it becomes legally ours. This applies to everything except for wallets, money inside of wallets, and cellphones.
Do they let you claim some of the items after the time has passed? If we put a claim on them when we turn them in, they become ours after enough time has passed.
Do you ever take money out of wallets then turn them in separately so you can legally claim it after that time frame has passed? Nope, never. At least, I don't. Other people might.
What's some of the best stuff and the weirdest stuff you've gotten? I have, in my room, a black power afro pick.
I'm an avid rollercoaster and cedar point fan, but this is still one of the things that bothers me most: I was there two weeks ago and of course I had to ride Gatekeeper. Since I'm one of the people who really care about my ride experience, I wanted to ride in specific seats (front and back only). First time through we were 4th/5th in line and since we wanted to be on the first train of the day we went to the back because the people in front if us took the front. So I get up to the entrance of the station on my second time through the line and I request to go to the front. The ride op told me no. I argued with him for about 30 seconds and then decided to quit so i said "fine, can i go to the back?" and he let me. Why do some people do this? If I'm willing to argue with you then it's pretty obvious I care where I sit... Just let me go WAIT EXTRA TIME for the front row and the people behind me will fill in the gaps. Later that day we get unlucky and the same kid is at the station entrance. He told my friend two go to line two and we walked in and just went to row one. I bet you can guess what happened... NOTHING! The fourth time through I got a different worker and they let us go to the front when we asked. I just don't get why some workers are dicks to the customers, especially when they pay so much to have a good time. I went again this past Monday and got on three times with the employees all letting me go where I wanted when I asked. The strange thing is this has happened to me on a couple of occasions over the years on a few different rides at the park. Why do some employees tell people where to go and other rides they just make sure everyone is tall enough but let people go wherever? Is this up to the employee to do or are they told to do this? It all depends. I'm assuming that the employee was being a douche. In his defense, after a particularly rude guest, I found myself being abrasive to guests as well. Once I noticed, I quit. However, from my knowledge, he had no right to tell you that you could not ride in the front. If you want to wait, go for it.
I went years ago.. cedar point is like heaven for roller coaster riders!!! the only problem i had was line hoppers!!! the park was half empty i had to yell at this two gangster kids because they pushed my girl out of the way... lameness!!! The things you must see are amazing people watching... What sticks out in your mind? Line hoppers are really bad, but I try my best to send them to the back of the line. The people watching is fun, but we really do pay attention to the rides as they are running, so people watching time is limited. One thing I think is hilarious are the couples. They hold hands throughout a whole ride, and I tell my coworkers "They are going to be sore as hell when they come back, if they don't hold the handlebars." They always come back complaining about headaches. I once watched a couple try to kiss while being restricted by shoulder harnesses. They were straining and practically strangling themselves, but would not give up.
How stingy on weather conditions do you have to be with the top thrill dragster? like when do they draw the line to close it down due to weather? Wait, Dragster still runs? Just kidding. Dragster's main issue is wind. 10 mph wind on the ground doesn't seem too bad, but 420 feet up in the air it gets pretty crazy. It's down quite a bit.
Really? Interesting. The main times I've seen it closed (but I've only been there a few times since I live on the opposite side of the state) was rain. Any type of rain would close it down. It made sense to me since I would think a rain drop would hurt like hell going 100+ mph. Agreed. Anything would hurt at that speed, haha.
So the next time i'm up there could you let me cut the lines? Man, line hoppers are seriously the most annoying part of my job. Everyone has places to be, everyone wants to ride all of the rides, everyone hates waiting. Think of it this way: Some people can only afford Cedar Point as their annual vacation. They work their asses off all year long, just to have the money to come here. It's expensive, but it's fun, for the whole family. Why do you think that you deserve to be put in front of these individuals? Not talking about you, as I understand you were joking.
Some guy at kings island when i went one year was in a wheelchair who obviously wasn't hurt or disabled. so an employee called him out on it, and told him he needed to get up for a ride. idiot wasn't thinking and got up and got into the ride. thrown out pretty fast for sure. That happens, but sometimes the individual's disability entails not being able to walk for long periods of time. However, there are a lot of people who try to pull that shit, and I have to bite my tongue pretty damn hard.
I like you. I always liked the workers at Cedar Point, they always seemed like cool people, especially the raptor. Ride Operators are usually pretty cool. They interview us via skype, so they know if we can handle being shit on verbally, whether we'll be cool under pressure, etc.
What perks and benefits do you get being an employee? Do you get access to the park on your days off? Overnight riding? We have ride nights, where one or more rides are open after closing for only employees. We get free access to the park, with our IDs, and 20% off ticket price when we buy them at the ticket counter.
Millennium is my favorite ride, what's your favorite to work? and what's the dumbest thing you've seen a person do there, visitor or worker? I only work one ride, a coaster. The dumbest thing? We once stopped the ride because someone had a cell phone out. When I went to the lift hill, (the part of the coaster that pulls the train by chain up the first large drop) I found no cell phones. However, I did find a man who had started smoking a cigarette. I was laughing almost too hard to ask him to put it out or be escorted out by police officers.
I'm guessing they stopped it so he couldn't film the ride. That is one of the reasons, yes.
When I was a smoker, I was on the Magnum once, and it crushed my pack of cigarettes. With the inflated price of cigarettes, I expect 7.50 to be sent to me. Thank you. "Please place all of your loose articles in the bin on the left side of the platform. Cedar Point is not responsible for items lost or damaged while riding, so please secure your loose articles!"
Would Google Glass be ok? Nope, not even go pros strapped to your chest.
Why not? Why do they care if you film the ride? I know that is against Cedar Fair policy, it may or may not be against Ohio law. There is a rumor, one that I cannot confirm, as I have only heard of it and never found evidence, that a gentleman dropped his phone on the Dragster, and it shattered a girl's cheekbone. If this is true, they would ban all video recording just to make sure no one tried any of this. Cedar Fair's biggest policy is safety. It is the number one thing they, and we as workers, are concerned with.
Have you encountered the infamous "singing guy" yet? If you're not familiar. I have not! I will keep an eye out for him though!
What's your favorite ride? I've answered it a few times, but Maverick. 92 degree drop, crazy twists.
95 degree drop *. As a season pass holder every year since 2004 and rollercoaster enthusiast, I know these things. The funny thing is, the sign outside of it reads 92, and the spielers (employee on microphone) say 93. So I'm not positive.
My bad. I looked but I didn't see it. No prob! I hadn't answered a few questions, was out having a cigarette.
Not Top Thrill Dragster? Long wait, short ride. Nothing too special about it. You go 120 mph after 4 seconds, but the ride is over after 17.
Link to rcdb.com. Thank you! I get asked a lot of random questions throughout the day, and this is one of them, so now I have proof and can answer confidently. Thanks again!
That's the one with the magnetic accelerator, right? It is bad-ass for that alone. Just watching the pure acceleration from a standstill is freaking awesome. Yes it is!
Is it worth staying in the Castaway Bay hotel? I'll be at Cedar Point on the 17th of this month and was wondering if its worth it. Castaway Bay is not really worth it. If by worth it, you mean the waterpark. Unless you have children, it's a drag. Some buddies and I stayed there earlier this year, and it was super lame. It's focused on children, which is all well and good, but if you're just looking for a place to stay, shoot for Breakers, or Breakers Express. Express is probably the best for the buck.
Thanks for the reply... My sister is coming with us and she was planning on staying at the hotel all day with my 1 year old nephew. I did see that you get early access to the park which I thought was a good perk but maybe not worth it. You get early access at Breakers Express as well :)
Were people sad when the Demon Drop was retired and replaced? I was devastated. It was moved to a different park, can't remember which. I still get asked directions to it.
Ever worked an ACE (Am Coaster Enthusiasts) or Coaster Zombie event that had Exclusive ride time? If so did you hate being stuck open longer or enjoy the enthusiasm of the insane fanboys/girls? I work one tomorrow, will let you know!
Good luck. May the force be with you. ;) It was pretty tiring. I didn't encounter many of the fanpeople, but the ones I did made a lot of inappropriate sexual jokes, or had small annoying children.
Are you asigned one ride or are you given different rides through the week? What is your favorite ride? We get one ride, which sucksss.
I worked a summer at an amusement park in Missouri and it sucked. That particular park prides itself on "family values" but treats employees like crap. Got some good stories out of it, including the time where I had to give a rundown on all the roller coasters to two older couples (youngest person was probably early 60s) who promptly went off to ride the most thrilling one. Do you have any guests that really stick out in your mind? There was a woman with a daughter in a wheelchair due to a broken leg. She screamed and yelled and berated me for not letting her daughter cheat the system. After my manager came and got her to leave, I was walking around the ride, checking seat belts, and an older woman grabbed, GRABBED, my arm. "Sweetie, don't let people like her bring you down. I can tell that you are kind, and those kind of people cannot ruin you. You are a good man." I was almost in tears, because it was the first nice thing anyone had said to me in 3 weeks.
Awesome, im from Holland and during the holidays we will go to CP! What are the best/worst thrill rides, and what is the best thing about the park? You've gotta hit Raptor, TTD, Gatekeeper, and Maverick! Best thing about the park would have to be the atmosphere. Hard to be angry when you're surrounded by happy people.
I worked at an amusement park for a couple of summers when I was in school. The thing I encountered just about every day that nonetheless stunned me every time was parents who would pitch a fit when their kid was too short to ride. Do they think these are arbitrary restrictions the park has installed just to be mean to kids? Height requirements are set for a reason. Anyway, what ridiculous behavior, from customers or coworkers, do you encounter on a daily basis? Coworkers just bitch about their bosses. Which pisses me off. Welcome to the real world. No one is going to make life easier for you. You do not get to be 15 minutes late, like you were for class. You do not get to have "attitude" with authority. You are a professional, and need to act like it. From guests, (not customers, mind you, we refer to our visitors as guests) we get people that treat us like trash just because we work at an amusement park. I asked around today, to get a general consensus of how old people thought I was, and multiple people were off by 10 years. No, I am a college student without a degree, and I do plan on getting a better job after graduation. Also, I don't make the rules, and I agree, some of them ARE bullshit. But I could lose my job, so please understand that I am not being a dick, I am covering my ass.
I was just there on may 31st or so. during the giant storm. is it normally that packed, and how long has the midway/arcade been there because some of those games you have are from the 1920s? I'm not sure about the midway arcade, I'll ask around at work tomorrow and get back to you. It can get really packed, yes. A "slow" day is considered 10k guests.
Jesus. And thanks for asking them for me! Update: No one seemed to know. However, this is my thoughts: Cedar Point opened in 1870 as a hotel/resort location. There is a ballroom above the arcade, used mostly for training purposes now. Perhaps this is one of the earlier buildings?
Why are your rides ALWAYS breaking? They rarely actually break, but if something goes even slightly wrong, we shut down, for safety reasons.
How aggravating is it to hear the same "doo doo doo dooo doo doo doo" music that the rides area plays, ALL DAY? It's worse than one might think. All the shitty pop music they play? Remixed to sound even shittier.
Jeez. That's cool. Yeah the arcade looks like it could have been an old storm shelter or something, but that's really cool. My 40 year old something band director remembers playing some of the games you guys have on his 11th birthday, so that's pretty cool. Definitely neat!
Is Louie's still open? Yes indeed it is, I was there Sunday.
Oh alright. I plan to cost this summer. Is the Gatekeepers line bad? It can be, but some days it isn't bad at all. There's always Fast Lane Plus. By the way, Fast Lane Plus is not worth it.
Both times I've been it's maxed out at an hour. Granted, neither days were a Saturday, but the line does move really fast and has a great view of the first drop/loop thing. The workers definitely seem to be busting their asses to make it run as smooth as possible. It's an easy line to wait in. You'll find that almost all Ride Hosts/Ops will bust their asses to keep the trains running smoothly, because we have to make numbers. We have almost a quota.
Almost a quota? Could you shed any more light on this? I'm a tad confused... We have to get enough people to ride our ride every hour. If it's a slow day, that's understood. But if we have an hour where say, 800 people ride our ride, and the next hour we have 600, we get in trouble for not moving fast enough.
Have you ever seen the man known only as Woo Guy? No, but I have seen Segway guy.
Seagull guy? Never heard of him. Enlighten me?
I've heard they are sex parties too. Everyone hooks up with everyone... but that could be wrong. The amount of luck/skill I have with hooking up with women is non-existent, so in my case, there is no sex.
Americas Roller COAST Ride on!
Neither is Kingda-Ka, same as TTD. Magnetic launches at Cedar Point are Maverick and Wicked Twister. I thought we were talking about Maverick, was just quickly answering in my inbox. TTD is hydraulic cable launch, yes. Fun fact, that cable loves to fucking melt.
Got to be an awesome job!!! Hahahaha, some days yes, some days I want to scream over the microphone at people. It all depends on how the guests treat you.
What is the inside rollercoaster called Disaster Transport, but it is gone. It was torn down to make room for Gatekeeper.
Last updated: 2013-06-10 06:20 UTC
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has anyone died on a roller coaster at cedar point video

Millennium Force On Ride POV Roller Coaster At Cedar Point Roller Coaster Death: Five amusement park deaths that will ... Cedar Point Death 2015 -Man struck by Raptor roller coaster 10 MOST INSANE Roller Coasters YOU WON'T BELIEVE EXIST ... Raptor- Cedar Point-- CP Pic's Show Cedar Point - Some of All Wheels Extreme

Iraq veteran and double amputee James Hackemer, 29, died on July 8 when he flew out of the Ride of Steel roller coaster, according to the New York Daily News. Has anyone ever died at Cedar Point? In Aug. 2015, a man died at Cedar Point after being struck by a roller coaster while searching for a cell phone he had dropped on the ride. In a tweet at the time, the park confirmed the death , noting that “at 5 p.m. a guest entered a restricted, fenced area of Raptor and was struck by the ride. What happened to the Valravn at Cedar Point? In 2015, a man trying to retrieve his cell phone in a restricted area was struck by the Raptor roller coaster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. The same year, a 10-year-old girl died after losing consciousness following a ride on the Revolution at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California. The Los Angeles coroner later determined that the girl died from natural causes not related to the roller coaster. No one have ever died on a Cedar Point ride. There are injuries that happen there, but NO ONE has even died. Hollylylylyly. 1 decade ago. From what I've heard, the only deaths that have happened on... Cedar fair has had it's fair share of issues with rides. Just last week 10 people were hurt on pony express at knotts when the brakes failed. Cedarpoint had the dragster cable shred, and I remember magnum bumping and corkscrew had the lift hill chain come up and almost injure people. cedar point roller coaster death A man has died after entering a restricted, fenced area near the Raptor roller coaster, Cedar Point has confirmed. Police confirmed that James Young, 45 was at the park with friends and some of his belongings fell while he was riding the Raptor. Yes, but every death has not been the roller coaster or the manufactoring systems itself. It's because of the rider's fault. For an example, the ride Batman: The Ride, a teen's head was decapitated... While not Cedar Point’s most famous ride — that might be Millennium Force — the Raptor, when it opened in 1994, was reportedly the world’s longest, tallest inverted roller coaster. No one that I have heard has every been killed on a ride at Cedar Point, but people have been hurt before. A few years ago, the chain on to pull you up the hill on Corkscrew broke, one Magnum car rear-ended another car while waiting to go in the station, a car on Wildcat rolled down the first hill and hit another car waiting to go up the hill....that's all that I can remember. Occasionally someone will die just because their number is up. Not in the "Final Destination" kind of way, mind you. They have pre-existing conditions they don't even know about, and they'd have died whether they were in a theme park or pushing a cart through the Wal-Mart parking lot. I'd certainly rather be on a roller coaster, myself.

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Millennium Force On Ride POV Roller Coaster At Cedar Point

A short video of the Raptor at Cedar Point, I'm sorry for the shortness my battery died before I was able to get more footage. I also hope the song goes well with it too. Download a high quality ... I am an employee at Cedar Point, so for my day off, I managed to come in with my boyfriend and talked him into seeing All Wheels Extreme. I wasn't able to get the full 20 minutes, but that is my ... 10 MOST INSANE Roller Coasters YOU WON'T BELIEVE EXIST!If you're new, Subscribe! → http://goo.gl/djmfuXThere’s no better place to release some adrenaline tha... More Information is unfolding, For the Latest on this Story, visit : http://worldnownews.com/cedar-point-accident-2015 Roller Coaster Death: Five amusement park deaths that will shock roller coaster fans1. Six Flags Over Georgia, Batman: The Ride2. Star Flyer, Star City3. Dar... Millennium Force On Ride POV Roller Coaster At Cedar Point. Millennium Force On Ride POV Roller Coaster At Cedar Point. ... PILOT DIES, Passenger Lands King Air - Duration: 43:07.

has anyone died on a roller coaster at cedar point

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