English to Sinhala Meaning of judicious - sinhala.english

judicious up meaning in urdu

judicious up meaning in urdu - win

For The Urban Naxals Of the Modern India

Written by Farqaleet (me) for the q/Indianliberals
Bhima Koregaon is a small village in Pune, Maharashtra, with a strong Dalit history connection[1]. A battle was fought here between the forces of the Peshwa and the British on January 1, 1818. The British army comprised primarily of Dalit soldiers. Peshwa army had an upper caste domination[2] . As a result, the Dalit-dominated British troops defeated the Peshwa army, and Bhima Koregaon became a symbol of Dalit resistance.
January 1 2018 was the day of annual celebratory gathering of battle of Bhima Koregaon to mark it’s 200th anniversary. Prior to this gathering, close to 250 Bahujan groups got together under the banner of “Elgar Parishad” (Elgar- Urdu word Yalghar, which also means announcement) for a conference at Shaniwar wada - the erstwhile seat of the Peshwas.[3]
There is another village just 3 KM away from Bhima Koregaon. It is called Vadhu Badruk[4] . It has its own history dating back to the Mughal period. It has a memorial of local hero Govind Gopal Mahar (Gaikwad). He is said to have performed the last rites of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj.
On December 29 last year (just 2 days before the event), the memorial of Govind Gopal Mahar was found desecrated. It led to tension between Dalits and upper castes in the village and the neighboring areas. And following this, Panchayat issued a notice asking everyone to boycott the event calling for shutting down of the shops[5] . And this led to violence mainly by people furling saffron flags.[6]
To protest this, Dalit Right groups staged road blocks and demonstrations across Maharashtra, in which a 16 year old boy was crushed to death by the police caning.[7]
  1. On January 2, FIR were registered against Hindutwadi terrorist Sambhaji Bhide (also a close friend of Narendra Modi) and Milind Ekbote (same) for instigating violence on Dalits first. [8]
  2. In February, SC criticized Maharshtra’s Hindutva Nationalist Government for slow progress in their probe against Ekbote, questioning the agencies’ claims that he was allegedly ‘untraceable’[9]
  3. On March 14, Ekbote was arrested and his bail plea was denied by SC because he refused to hand over his mobile phone and did not contribute in the probe. [10]
  4. On 22 April 2018, a nineteen-year-old dalit witness, whose house was burnt in the violence, was found dead in a well. Her family alleged that she was under intense pressure to withdraw her statement. [11]
The Urban Naxals.
  1. In following Months, rapid arrests were made. Which included, Rona Wilson, Varavara Rao, Arun Ferreira, Sudha Bhardwaj and Gautam Navlakha. The ploce alleged that they had ties with the Maoists and were planning to kill the Prime Minister of India. [12]
  2. On January 22, 2020, the newly elected Maharashtra government ordered a probe into the matter, further considering constituting a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to look into the investigation.[13]
  3. On Jan 25th, the NIA, the central agency governed by the HM (who belongs to the Hindu Nationalist Party) took over the case without taking the State’s consent. (ahem ahem) [14]
  4. In Oct 2020, NIA released a fresh charge-sheet with fresh names including Stan Swam, who the NIA accused of conspiring to bring Dalit and Muslims together against the fascist govt at center. NIA also connected him to the banned CPIM (ahem ahem^2)[15]
A report by Arsenal Consulting, a digital forensics firm based out of Massachusetts, said the incriminating evidence against Rona Wilson was placed on his laptop by a yet-to-be-identified attacker using a malware while his laptop was compromised for over 22 months.[16]
Bhima Koregaon was a clear cut case of Hindutvadi terrorism. And the BJP government, in a well planned manner, turned the case of Right Wing terrorism to the Left terrorism in a matter of months. If I go by the current report (which is highly credible) it looks the BJP govt., systematically planted evidences against the left-wing intellectuals and arrested them under UAPA. And this is not the first time, the same madness and horror walked during the NRC CAA protests. A violence in which for which mainly Hindutvadis were responsible, all the Left-Wing intellectuals were arrested.
The report is a wake-up call for those who still want to keep “balancing” between the left and the right, for those who don’t understand the privileged vs unprivileged game, for those who are not cognizant of the the oppressor vs the oppressed thought-process. And, also a wake-up call for each among us, who believes in dissent and keeping a government accountable. Because for gov’t in power, you, me, and every other Indian whose dissent does not please them, is an Urban Naxal.
What Happened to those who were mainly responsible for the violence?
Nothing. After all, Nationalists they are.
submitted by Stoic_Ukkasha_021 to librandu [link] [comments]

The Etymology of Tweak-Speak: so your brain can learn something new

Do you ever hear a word and wonder where it came from, and why we use it? That's etymology, my dude.

Wtf is etymology?

Good question. Basically, etymology is the science of investigating how words came to be and how words have developed over time. Rachel Barney has a pretty spicy explanation in the Oxford Studies of Ancient Philosophy:

As practiced by Socrates in the Cratylus, etymology involves a claim about the underlying semantic content of the name, what it really means or indicates. This content is taken to have been put there by the ancient name-givers: giving an etymology is thus a matter of unwrapping or decoding a name to find the message the name-givers have placed inside.


What the hell does this have to do with drugs?

Kind of nothing, kind of everything. These days, there's a lot of debate over the words we use. For instance,

No matter your stance on any given topic, we can all at least somewhat agree that words have weight and significance. Dan Jurafsky, a Humanities professor from Stanford, explains it like this:

Understanding why and how languages differ tells about the range of what is human, discovering what’s universal about languages can help us understand the core of our humanity.

All of this made me wonder about drugs and the people who use them. Drug users have unique slang, syntax, and structure that develops independently of the traditional language. Not only that, but drug users deal with incredible amounts of stigma from the community; stigma which begets even more convoluted terms to describe and label users and their habits. If language can have such a powerful effect on our attitudes, beliefs, mental processes, values, and feelings, I figured it would be worth it to look into a few of the terms we typically pepper into our speech. Maybe understanding the words themselves will help us better understand the community and its relationship to the rest of the world. So...yeah. Check out the history of some American drug slang, if you wish.

The Etymologies of Tweak-Speak:

We'll dive right in with one of the most confusing words on the list. We know that junkie and junkhead both appeared as a way to describe drug users around 1910-1920. The root of the word is junk, and that's where we get stuck. No one seems to know where exactly junk came from, since it's been popping up randomly for the past 800 years or so, with centuries of lost record in between.
The Javanese are an ethnic group native to Java island and the surrounding area, in what is modern-day Indonesia. From as early as 1200 AD, the Javanese were experts at building boats, which they called djons. At this time, seafaring trade was expanding across the world, and China wanted a slice of the action. The only problem was that they really didn't know how to make boats sturdy enough to go all the way to the Indo-European regions where most of the trade was happening. So they copied the djons, which became junks.
Fast forward to the mid-14th century, and the junk ships were a huge part of international trade. The Portugese were so impressed with the junk ships, they created the word junco to describe them. From there, it became a maritime word that sailors used. This is the first time we see junk in English - which meant "old cable/rope used for caulking ships".
Basically, if your boat got a hole in the side, you could use some old rope (junk) to patch the hole. The English use may have been influenced by Old French as well, where junc was a type of native reed (the reeds were fiberous enough to possibly be made into ropes and other things). In sailor terms, junk was used to describe a lot. Salt junk became a popular term for the meat that sailors ate while away at sea. The preserved meat they ate was like beef jerky, and salt junk described how tough it was, just like the junk ropes they used to repair their ships. It's the first time we see junk used in a negative way. The sailors would rather eat a sirloin steak, of course, but if they were at sea they were stuck eating the salt junk.
By the early-1800's, the American settlers were using junk not just to describe old rope, but anything that was old/needed to be thrown out. In a journal entry, one man describes "junking" lumber, stripping it down for firewood and getting rid of the excess.

Fast forward to the Prohibition Era. American gangsters had enormous power in the smuggling/trafficking of drugs and alcohol since people couldn't purchase them legally. It's unclear exactly how junk came to describe opiates, but the term was popularized with morphine and heroin users.
From there, junkie emerged shortly after. There's a theory that junkie is because addicts were stealing scrap metal (junk) to fund their habit, but there isn't a lot of evidence this was the case. In fact, we had a lot less scrap metal in the Prohibition Era than we do today, since it was reused in future building projects. The stereotype of drug addicts selling copper wire or other scrap materials probably came about later.
It's also interesting to note that the "-ie" ending in junkie is what we call a "diminutive possessive". Big words, but it basically means if you have an object, adding -ie or -y is a Dutch ending that describes the person who has a relationship to/owns the object. It's used it to show affection, like a familial relationship. For instance, a babe became a baby, a pup became a puppy, and a mama became a mommy.
So while junkhead or junker meant someone who literally "used junk", the word we use (junkie) seems to indicate someone who literally "loves junk". I love junk, how about you guys?
It's also important to understand that junk really means something different from trash. For instance, we have junk sales (or "rummage sales") in the United States, but we don't have trash sales. Trash and garbage are words used to describe things that are rotten, expired, absolutely no good anymore. Junk, on the other hand, is something that is just in disuse, but the idea is that it can be repurposed and reused again. So maybe junkies aren't trash after all, but people who can be repurposed into something even better someday. Just a thought.

Addiction in terms of drug use came about in the early 1900's. Again, it was first used in the context of morphine. Not long after, an addict came to mean someone who was addicted to a certain drug or behavior. The word itself is very old and has an extremely confusing history. Richard J Rosenthal investigated the whole thing to an amazing extent in his piece for the Journal of Addiction Research & Theory in 2018. He's way headier than I am, so I'll just let him tell you about it.

Addictio, the abstract noun derived from the verb, was the technical Latin term for the judicial act by which a debtor was made the slave of his creditor.
The sentence was pronounced, or spoken, by the judge, or praetor, according to the ancient law of the Twelve Tables. Where exactly did this leave the addictus, which in the passive form referred to the hapless individual who was physically handed over to his creditor by the praetor’s authority and physically led off in chains, to be held for sixty days or until the debt was paid? Failure to pay the debt after the lapse of the statutory sixty days rendered the debtor his creditor’s permanent property. He could then, at the creditor’s discretion, be kept, killed or sold as a common slave.
For the Romans, enslavement became increasingly associated with the passive forms of addicere, which of necessity would take on a very different connotation from the active form. To understand this, one must appreciate the distinction Romans made between active and passive forms of the verb, and in fact between active and passive in all forms of behavior. To be the recipient, to be acted upon, was to be less than. A passive human subject was a defeated individual, the object of someone else’s power. Being sentenced to be another person’s slave would be particularly humiliating. It would mean not only the loss of one’s citizenship but of one’s personhood.
The theme continued to be developed well into the imperial period. The most striking aspect of the use of addicere in each of these instances is the idea of bondage or enslavement. However, the object of that enslavement had evolved over the course of six centuries. What started as literal, the fate of the debt bondsman (addictus) under the ancient Law of the Twelve Tables, became metaphorical. One could become enslaved by vice (e.g., gambling, drinking, gluttony). A behavior like gambling, which previously might have led to one’s being sentenced into slavery, now was the enslavement.
The English verb ‘addict’ found particular resonance among the early church reformers. It’s earliest known appearance in English was in a tract by the Protestant reformer John Frith. It involves the act of choosing between two or more things. He apparently understood it as ‘preference’ or ‘choice,’ meaning (in a Christian context) the individual’s preference for a particular doctrine or interpretation of the Bible. [The Church] emphasized the dangers associated with a mistaken choice (Catholicism, the Pope, icons and idols). Most prominent was the danger of grievously offending God or of being led down the wrong path away from God. The Reformers extended their concerns to the physical realm, where one could be addicted to physical pleasures like gluttony and drunkenness.
Such ‘choices’ need not be actively chosen, however. The most influential of the Protestant Reformers next to Luther, John Calvin, [believed] man was so corrupted and enslaved by sin that he was incapable of choosing correctly. It was only through God’s grace that one was turned away from depravity and bad choices. An accomplished Latinist and writing in Latin, Calvin drew upon the legal, rather than the augural, usage of the Latin verb addicere to indicate that it is something done to or for one; it is not voluntary or within one’s control. This would be in line with the early legal meaning of addictio in Latin, where one did not act freely but was acted upon by the law [and] made the slave of one’s creditor.
[Writers from the 16th century on] were using medical metaphors to convey the seriousness of the problem, and we can't help noting that the language of disease was used both for the individual and for society. Furthermore, it was not addiction itself that was the disease, it was drunkenness or gambling, and when they referred to addiction, it was to convey ‘attachment’ or ‘preference.’
When the word addiction was deliberately omitted from four consecutive editions of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, it was because it was considered pejorative, stigmatizing, and too difficult to define. There were simply ‘too many meanings’ the term lacked any ‘universally agreed upon definition’: the result of using it was ‘conceptual chaos’.
Inclusion in DSM-5 represents behavioral addiction’s first official recognition as a diagnostic entity. It is therefore especially notable that, in addition to the lack of a definition, there are neither criteria nor guidelines for the assessment of potential disorders.

...like...wtf. For sure.

Can we all just take a minute to remember that this song existed though? God, 2008 was a simpler time. (If you wanna get hit over the head with a brick from the past, I encourage you to listen to Paralyzer or Disturbia again, just sayin)
Then we end the root with -er, which is for "connected with, pertaining to; the man engaged in". That comes from the old Latin -arius and -arium, which is the same reason an aria is an opera solo. So I mean, referring to tweakers in general as tweakarium and a tweaker as a tweakarius is valid (probably not, but it sounds cool).

We can trace tweak through history fairly well. It starts with the Proto-Indo-European word \dwoh,* meaning "two".
[Side note: We currently can't trace words farther back than Proto-Indo-European (PIE) or any "Proto" language. There's no written record of PIE, and we really can't prove it was a language at all. Linguists compare words from newer languages that are alike in sound and meaning, and from there, group them into the "families" of Proto languages. PIE may have originated as early as 3300 BCE, which is old as shit (like before people were using wheels and domesticating horses). PIE is the most influential Proto language and has been studied the most, since English, Portugese, Russian, Italian, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, German, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, and many others have all originated from PIE]
From there, \dwoh* was found in Old Armenian with կից, meaning "a cross-road" and in Old English as tweo, meaning "two".
Both of these words created the Old English tweag later on, meaning "trouble, doubt, distress". It makes sense when you consider how someone at a "cross-roads" is faced with a tough decision, because they could go in one of two directions. In Old English, tweo became tweonleoht, which is where we get "twilight" from. It literally means "two-light", as in the part of the day when it's night and day at the same time.
Tweag became twikken, which has multiple meanings: trouble/doubt, plucking/pulling something, and twitch. All of these definitions are loosely connected to tweag with the idea that there is some type of problem (distress) that needs to be fixed. If you had a thorn in your foot, you might be distressed and pluck/pull it out. If you had an illness or were fearful (distress), you might twitch, and so on.

This was the definition until the 1980's, when tweak came to mean "a fine adjustment". For example, resetting a spring inside a clock would be a "tweak", but completely renovating your house would not, since it's a big project/adjustment. From there, we got tweaker, which is an interesting phrase because it only applies to methamphetamine (and rarely other stimulants), instead of all drugs. This meaning traces itself back to twitch, and a tweaker is someone who is constantly twitching/super high/sporadic and uncoordinated because of using meth. Nervousness/paranoia are also described with this definition.
The -er root, again, gives the word a literal meaning of "someone who twitches".
Personally, I like the "minor adjustments" definition. Like, "Nah bro I'm not tweaking, just making minor adjustments to my neurochemicals, thank you".

At least where I live, crank is quickly becoming an outdated/obsolete term. I don't know of anyone personally who refers to meth as crank - my guess is that in the next couple of decades it will fall out of use in this context unless a particular area or community hangs onto it. That being said, it has been widely used as a way to describe meth for 50 years, and it started in an interesting way.

In the Proto-Germanic language, \krank* was "to bend or curl up". This is also the origin of cringe, experiencing something so uncomfortable that you physically curl away. \krank* became crincan, "to bend or yield". This turned into cranc, which was used in Old-Middle Engilsh as crincan "to weave", crencestre "a spinster (woman who weaves)", and crankstaef, "a weaver's instrument (a loom)".
In the 16th century, the definition was generalized and used in other things, always meaning "to twist or bend" in some way. In the 1590's, we see records of crank meaning "the twists and turns of speech" (imagine how the stereotypical politician never gives a straight answer, "talking around" the question to avoid saying something that might sound bad). In 1848, crank was used to describe "an unreasonable act" (something that would be done by a person with twisted judgement. Even today, if we see a person behaving in a particularly cruel or cold manner, we might say that they have a "twisted mind").
By 1834, crank had become a tool. This hearkens back to the days of weaving, since a crankstaef was a piece of the loom that helped the wheel spin. By 1908, the rate of automobile manufacture was increasing. Building cars required the use of a crank, and it was around this time that crank also described the action of "turning a crank". In this way, it's quite possible to crank a crank, but you can also crank a dial, crank a lever, etc.

It's a little unclear how crank came to be used as a word for meth, but the most probable theory comes from the Hell's Angels and similar motorcycle gangs that have been active in the U.S since the 1940's. In the 1970's, the U.S outlawed methamphetamine due to the increase of people abusing the drugs. It was around this time that the motorcycle gangs controlled a majority of production and distribution, usually to rural areas. Bikers used their bikes, of course, to transport and distribute the drug, sometimes concealing it in the crankshafts of their motorcycles. The theory is that this method of crankshaft transport lent meth the street name crank.
The only thing I question is how much meth you could realistically fit in the crankshaft of a motorcycle. If you've ever seen the crankshaft of a bike, they're really not that big. Plus, they get pretty hot, which would be a little problematic. That being said, motorcycle gangs were known for customizing and adding to their bikes for a variety of different reasons. They were usually expert mechanics who could customize their bikes to be faster, more durable, and go longer distances. So I suppose there's a hundred ways, in theory, that you could increase the available space in your crankshaft and keep it from getting too hot.

Gacked is one of those expressions that has varied use depending on the community. When I lived on the West Coast, gacked was used quite often, then I moved to the Midwest and hardly encountered the phrase at all. Just my experience, not sure if it holds any water.
Anyways, gacked is a product of geeked, "to be filled with excitement or enthusiasm". You can be geeked over a new video game or makeup palette. Geeked for Christmas, geeked for the weekend, geeked to get your dick sucked. Whatever.

We usually use geek to describe someone who's very enthusiastic about a particular subject. While being a nerd requires extensive knowledge on a subject, being a geek requires only enthusiasm. We find geck in Scandinavian and Germanic languages in the 15th century. Geck was "to croak, cackle, or mock". By the early 16th century, geck was used to describe a person, "a fool or simpleton".
Fast-forward to the 1940's, when traveling circuses and freak shows were a big deal. The freak show performers came to be known as geeks - the public saw them as eccentric simpletons, entertaining but not smart enough to cope for themselves or be considered legitimate members of society.


In the 1980's, college kids began to use geek to describe their fellow classmates who were socially inept and obsessed with the computers and technology that were rapidly developing. By the 90's, we could say that someone was geeking out or geeked out if they were ignoring opportunities to socialize/have sex/etc. in favor of obsessing over tech gadgets.This explains how geeked became connected with stimulants. When you're geeked, you might show signs of social ineptness, like talking way too much, not being able to hold a normal conversation, displaying odd and erratic behaviors, or expressing ideas that seem strange and inexplicable.
I think the connection to hyper-focusing is interesting as well. In the 80's, a geek was obsessed with computers to the point where they took notice of nothing else (other people/other responsibilities /other hobbies etc.) Stim users, of course, can show this same intense and unwavering obsession, which may have strengthen the linguistic connection between geeks and meth users.
Gacked may have been a natural evolution to distinguish "meth geeked" from "geeked about other stuff", but some people believe gacked evolved from geeked because of the way you can throw up/get nauseous if you overdose on stimulants. If you were insanely high, you might vomit (or gack), and would be gacked as a result.

-- K imma end it there for right now because I'm tired of looking at this etymology dictionary. You learned something today, bitch! Yayyyy. Proud of u. Go forth with your new and probably-useless knowledge, tweakarius.
submitted by TrippyTweaKitty69 to Stims [link] [comments]

[Secret] Securing Our Future

August 2033
With Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan formally ceded to the Republic of India in the Treaty of Paris, India's geo-strategic objectives in the the region have been secured. The seizure of Gilgit-Baltistan separated long-time allies China and Pakistan from one another (and in so doing, deprived China of an Indian Ocean outlet for its goods). Moreover, the territory has given India a direct land route to Central Asia through the Wakhan Corridor, though India has yet to formalize a highway and motor transfer agreement with Afghanistan.
India is loathe to give up this newfound advantage. Already, India has been undertaking efforts to turn the province into a veritable fortress, including the construction of new roads, railways, military bases, and airfields as well as the dramatic expansion of border police and paramilitary presence within the territory. Still, these measures are meant to hold onto territory. They are not as focused on making that territory Indian.
That's where the National Register of Citizens and the Indian Homestead Act come in. These laws have already been used to great effect in the Indian-administered portions of Kashmir, where most of the area's several million Muslim residents have been displaced. Most were deported to Bangladesh, whose protests against this policy eventually stopped when India's foreign aid contributions to the country dramatically increased. The most fortunate were granted work visas by one of the Gulf States (most notably the UAE, who negotiated a special arrangement with India for this purpose in the late 2020s), or were otherwise allowed relocation out of the country under immigration or asylum laws. Those that remain languish in detention centers, their ultimate fates unclear.
Removing Muslims is only half of the Indianization process. Taking a page out of the Israeli playbook, wherein Jewish settlers are used to change facts on the ground and to create loyal communities of resistance within the Occupied Palestinian Territories, India has made it its mission to replace these old Muslims communities with a loyal Hindu population. This has been achieved through the combination of the Foreigners' Property Act of 2026 (which made it illegal for foreigners to hold real estate without a license, and which maintained the government's policy that illegal immigrants cannot own real estate. This, coupled with the National Register of Citizens, has been used to dispossess millions of Muslims of their property over the last seven years) and the Indian Homestead Act (2027) (which auctioned off those same confiscated properties to Indian citizens at well below market rates on the condition that they continue to own the property for fifteen years).
GeosimWith India's rapidly growing (and overwhelmingly young) population, this policy has seen extensive use. Hindu communities now dominate the region (Jammu, which was already majority-Hindu, is now roughly 85 percent Hindu, while Kashmir is somewhere around 40 percent Hindu) and are afforded heavy protection by Indian forces in the area. The Sashastra Seema Bal is especially active in these communities, ensuring that they are thoroughly Indian. The population is collaborative with the Indian forces in combating the threat of terrorists and separatists--for they are well aware that should those forces infiltrate Kashmir again, it will be their communities that they target. Neighborhood watches, RSS groups, and other "paramilitary" groups are an essential part of life in the state, with many young Kashmiri Hindus volunteering for service in one of India's police or Armed Services.
Now, then, the issue is to spread this policy to Gilgit-Baltistan.
Demographic Transition in Gilgit-Baltistan and Neelum District
Assuming current population growth trends continued throughout the period of 2013 (for Gilgit-Baltistan) or 2017 (for Neelum District) to 2033 (so about 2 percent population growth per year), Gilgit-Baltistan is home to just over 1.8 million people, while Neelum District is home to just under 260,000, bringing the total population of the territories liberated from Pakistan to about 2 million. All, or near enough to all, of these people are Muslims, and most are of extremely dubious loyalty to the state of Hindusthana. Many of these communities have played host to terrorist training camps or weapons caches in the past, believing themselves to be important participants in the armed struggle for Kashmir’s liberation from India.
It is in Hindusthana’s best interest, then, that these communities be neutralized in one of three ways: pacification, displacement, or replacement.
Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan were at the frontlines of the recent war against China and Pakistan. With heavy fighting commonplace and the Indian Army constantly advancing, hundreds of thousands of the region’s residents fled from the front lines back towards Pakistan. While some of these people are now content to continue living their lives in Pakistan (believing--perhaps rightfully so--that they would be persecuted if they returned to their homes), others wish to return to their homes in Kashmir, piecing their lives back together under the new administration.
Only, India has absolutely no intention of allowing them to do so. Mirroring Israel’s policy towards Palestinian refugees from the 1947 war, India will not offer the right of return to Kashmiri refugees and their descendents. Those who attempt to return will be denied entrance at the few legal border crossings between India and Pakistan. The few who manage to slip across the border without authorization will be treated as illegal immigrants and will be deported to Pakistan.
Taking yet more inspiration from Israel, the Indian Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces, and Police Forces operating in the region will also utilize house demolition as collective punishment against the families of those who participate in separatist or Islamist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaesh-e-Mohammed. The public justification for this policy, like in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, will be that the demolished houses are in violation of Indian building codes in the region, and are therefore a threat to public safety. An astute observer might note that of course these buildings were not built to Indian building codes, as the territory was occupied and administered by Pakistan for almost a century. Indian administrators do not seem to care about this distinction. Building code violations are just a cover.
Finally, India will extend its existing policy suite into the newly-liberated territories of Jammu & Kashmir. The territory is currently the only portion of India where the citizens have not been properly filed into the National Register of Citizens. Reviving the process of the late 2020s, India will begin to process all of the residents of Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan into the National Register of Citizens.
This process stands to be exceedingly difficult for the residents of these territories. First, the staggeringly low literacy rate of the population residing there (~65 percent), the limited reach of the Pakistani government in the region (which, until recently, governed Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan as autonomous regions, meaning many of the residents lacked the proper paperwork to demonstrate citizenship and residency within Pakistan proper), and the limited lingua franca exposure in the province (most of the residents speak local languages, which made it difficult to interface with Pakistani government services offered in Urdu and English), means that many of these individuals struggle to properly interface with government services to begin with.
This issue has been exacerbated by the Indian and Hindusthani Constitutions, which have (purposefully or not) excluded many of the major languages of Gilgit-Baltistan and Neelum District from the Scheduled Languages, meaning that the government is not obligated to provide services in these languages. Major languages like Burushaski (112,000 speakers in 2016), Purgi (94,000 speakers in 2016), Shina (640,000 speakers in 2016, and the plurality language in Gilgit-Baltistan), Wakhi (somewhere between 20,000 and 60,000 speakers in 2016), and Khowar (300,000 speakers in 2004). Even for those fortunate enough to speak Balti (some 400,000 persons in 2016) find themselves denied easy access to government services. While Balti is the same language as Ladakhi/Bodhi/Bhoti (which is a Scheduled Language in India/Hindusthana), it is written primarily in the Perso-Arabic alphabet, while Ladakhi/Bodhi/Bhoti is written in the Tibetan script. So even though some residents of Gilgit-Baltistan nominally have access to government services in their language, the script on the forms is effectively illegible to them. For the others, they are far less fortunate: they can interface with the Indian/Hindusthani bureaucracy of the region in English, Hindi, one of the Scheduled Languages (most likely Urdu), or not at all.
Naturally, those who cannot interface effectively with the Indian/Hindusthani bureaucracy will have a difficult time providing the necessary documents to demonstrate their residency. These people will face a similar fate to those Indian Muslims who have been denied citizenship since 2027: their cases will be taken to semi-judicial Citizens Tribunals, where the individual holds the burden of proof in the monumental task of convincing the State that they ought to be considered citizens. Appeals are allowed, but costly, locking most of the residents of Gilgit-Baltistan and Neelum District (some of the poorest places in South Asia) out.
Those who are adjudicated as non-citizens throughout this process will be systematically detained and deported to either Bangladesh or Pakistan or be permitted to apply for a work visa in the Gulf States. Under the Foreigners’ Property Act of 2026, the property of these individuals will be confiscated, as illegal immigrants are not allowed to own property in India/Hindusthana.
The Indian Homestead Act, which sells property previously owned by illegal immigrants to Indian/Hindusthani citizens at well below market rates on the condition that they reside in the property for at least fifteen years, will be expanded to the newly-liberated portions of Jammu & Kashmir. In addition to the property of illegal immigrants, this Act will also sell properties that are destroyed and/or vacant, thereby getting new (primarily Hindu) residents for the properties abandoned during the war. With two million residents (pre-war) and an average household size of 7.7 persons, there are some ~260,000 households in the newly-liberated portions of Jammu & Kashmir.
With the country’s massive population of 1.6 billion, most of whom are under the age of thirty, the Indian/Hindusthani government expects this policy to see extensive use by young Indians/Hindusthanis looking to take advantage of the wildly low property prices to get their lives started. With the creation of Hindusthana in 2033, it is also anticipated that several internally displaced populations, like the Lhotsampas of Bhutan (many of whom now live in Nepal) and Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in India, will take advantage of this policy to move out of their cramped, crowded refugee camps and get a new start. The impoverished populations of Nepal, like the people of the Terai, are also expected to send a significant number of “settlers” as well.
Those houses that are not sold through the Indian Homestead Act will be made available to refugees fleeing to India under the Persons Fleeing Religious Persecution Act (2027), which grants asylum to Hindus (including Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains) fleeing persecution in their home countries. The burden of proof for “fleeing persecution” is remarkably low, effectively enabling Hindus living in any non-Hindu majority country carte blanche to relocate to India/Hindusthana. These individuals, coming primarily from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Myanmar, will face priority resettlement in Jammu & Kashmir, living in confiscated agricultural and residential properties. The Sashastra Seema Bal will be particularly active in these communities, helping the refugees to integrate into the Indian/Hindusthani way of life, while cadres of the RSS will set up Hindi/English language clinics and provide translation assistance services to make sure these groups are capable of adequately interfacing with the Indian/Hindusthani bureaucracy.
These newly-resettled communities, with their demonstrated loyalty to the Indian/Hindusthani state, will be exempted from most of the repressive measures used in the non-pacificed communities. They will be able to participate in national elections, have access to the Internet, and be permitted to move without advance permission from State authorities.
Of course, India/Hindusthana does not expect the people of the newly-liberated segments of Jammu & Kashmir to simply roll over and allow these things to happen to them. Hence, the massive paramilitary deployment in the region. Hundreds of thousands of Indian/Hindusthani paramilitary and regular army troops are deployed in the territory of Jammu & Kashmir, with a disproportionate amount of them in Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan. Highly trained in counter-insurgency tactics, these units are the first line of defense against Islamist and separatists insurgents in the territory, and are tasked with the defense of the growing Hindu communities in the region (who are expected to be the targets of punitive violence from displaced Muslims) and ensuring that the remaining Muslim population is incapable of mounting meaningful resistance against the government.
Here, India/Hindusthana again looks to Israel for inspiration. India/Hindusthana will look to improve the already impressive counter-insurgency talents of the forces stationed in the territory. The paramilitary forces, already highly militarized (most use the same equipment as the Indian Army, while the remainder are equipped with Indian Army surplus), will be granted a new wave of funding to improve their equipment and training (Israeli counter-insurgency trainers will be hired to help with the training process). New drone technologies like the HAL Palaka will enable the Border Security Force and other agencies to maintain a permanent surveillance presence along the Hindusthani-Pakistani and Sino-Hindusthani borders, making it difficult for illegal immigrants and (more importantly) insurgents and their materiel to cross the border into Hindusthana. Meanwhile, new ground equipment like the Nakula, equipped with its mine-resistant armor and its light active protection system, will help defend security personnel from ATGM and IED attacks launched by insurgents. In addition to constant aerial surveillance over the borders and the territory of the province, India/Hindusthana will be mounting frequent armed patrols throughout the mountain passes of the territory, allowing them to locate and neutralize any insurgents attempting to use the mountains as cover. Insurgent hardpoints will be cleared out by Indian special forces with air support as necessary. Furthermore, permanent observation posts/watchtowers have been set up along known smuggling routes.
Since 2018, Jammu & Kashmir has been kept under President’s Rule. This special status abrogates a state’s right to self-governance (in this case, leading to the abolition of the Jammu & Kashmir legislature) and certain liberties of its inhabitants, including the rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly (and by extension the freedom to protest), and freedom of movement (among others). This status will remain in effect for the near-future, allowing security forces in the region to act with a much freer hand than they might otherwise be provided. Movement from town to town is prohibited without advance permission from the state, which requires submitting a detailed itinerary to the government for approval. Similarly, internet access has been effectively cut off, with what little traffic remains forcibly routed through a proxy farm surveilled by the Indian/Hindusthani government. In line with existing Indian policy towards the region since the 1990s, reporters are barred from entering the territory. These measures should make it easier to keep tabs on potential subversives, to suppress news about ongoing abuses and human rights violations by Indian security forces (though, frankly, the world hasn’t really cared up until now, either), and to keep any effective opposition from mounting.
Mandatory-carry Aadhaar ID cards (linked to the electronic Aadhaar system) have been instituted throughout the territory, and are necessary for basically any interaction with the government. Like in the rest of India/Hindusthana, an Aadhaar number is mandatory to sign up for government services (pensions, legal battles, vehicle registration, etc), but also a large amount of private functions as well (the registration of utilities, purchasing a mobile/data plan or internet plan, and the opening of bank accounts, to name a few). With each Aadhaar card bearing a unique identifying number and a photo of the cardholder, this has afforded the Indian/Hindusthani government the opportunity to compile staggeringly detailed profiles of all of the people living within the territory. Jammu & Kashmir will serve as a proving ground for a new generation of Indian/Hindusthani surveillance.
Using the information collected via the Aadhaar card, security personnel will monitor the movement, purchasing patterns, and other habits of every single resident of the territory (with special attention paid, of course, to the region’s Muslim inhabitants. This is, of course, not due to their religion, but due to the increased security threat they pose. We promise.). Suspicious behavior (large purchases, multiple phone plans, strange financial transactions, etc) will flag individuals for closer surveillance.
This is where the next stage comes into play. India/Hindusthana will set up a network of CCTV cameras throughout the settlements. The cameras will be connected to a centralized hub, through which security personnel will be able to run facial recognition searches throughout the whole territory, following the example set by China and Israel [M] and, in real life but not IG, the US in its response to the George Floyd protests [/M]. Cameras will also be set up at the entrances and exits to settlements to record the license plates of vehicles passing through, which will be cross-referenced against approved movement permits to catch people violating the movement restrictions. This will allow security personnel to track the movement of individuals throughout the state, and, in the event that someone is found to be engaged in subversive activities, give investigators leads on who else might be part of said activities by going back through their contacts and public appearances. India/Hindusthana has reached out to Russian (NTechLab), Israeli (AnyVision), and American (Google, Microsoft, and Apple) firms to invite them to tender bids for this technology.
In addition to this “prevent defense” strategy, where India/Hindusthani security personnel attempt to eliminate insurgent threats before they have the opportunity to mount attacks, India/Hindusthana will focus an array of defensive measures around the Hindu-majority communities being settled in the region. The dispossessions and resettlements outlined in the above sections will be staged throughout the territory, allowing security personnel to concentrate their defensive efforts on specific communities. Once a given community is secured, a new wave of displacement and resettlement will occur, with the security personnel focusing their additional defensive efforts on those new communities.
submitted by TheManIsNonStop to Geosim [link] [comments]

first part of a short sci fi story of mine set in the city of Hong Kong, let me know what you think.


Nasir leaned back on the railing and watched the cars and buses go past on lethargic wheels, slowing to a crawl as what was left of the day sunk low behind the squat tenement blocks of the Mong Kok district. His long nose and deep sunken eye sockets gave him the appearance of a predatory bird, and as he peered around him, people passing on the sidewalk gave him a wide radius berth. He was a tall, gangly young man of nineteen, dressed in an ill-fitting shirt and a loose pair of jeans, lean face pockmarked with acne and fingers blackened from the twelve packs of Marlboros he smoked every week. In short, he had a look about him that suggested he was up to no good.
Tonight that certainly was the case. He took out his carton of smokes and cast a furtive glance around him before shaking one out.
“Hey there handsome,” croaked a voice in Cantonese, “How about one for the lady, lah?”
The little old woman was pushing her trolley past him on the pavement, on her way back from a day spent emptying out garbage bins and scavenging for stacks of cardboard and soda cans. She would then go to the recycling centres, where they would pay her for them by the kilo. Her back was hunched from a lifetime of work, spine crumpled into a painful, stooped arch, her sun browned skin flaking from hours working in the summer heat.
She always came this way at this hour, and he replied as he always had for the past five years:
“Sure, grandma.”
He shook out another cancer stick. She took it eagerly, bit off the filter, and plunged the end of it into her dry, wrinkled mouth. He lit hers first, and then his own. Her scrawny old shoulders heaved as she inhaled, and her wrinkled old face took on a look of contentment.
“That’s not good for you. You should keep the filter on.”
She shrugged.
“We all have to die of something.”
Nasir looked down at her shabby figure and exclaimed:
“And what are those?”
“Oh, yes!” She smiled wide and looked at her new loafers. They were the colour of pink carnations, and had white laces. “Aren’t they nice? Found them at the Salvation Army store. Sixty dollars. Fit me just right.”
“Looking good, ah suk.” He whistled and gave her a thumbs up.
“Ah, screw you,” she replied in a genial tone, blowing out tendrils of smoke from both nostrils. “Thanks again, Singh.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not Indian, lady.”
“What’s that?” She frowned and leaned closer to hear him.
“I was born in Karachi, not New Delhi. I’m Pakistani. Pa-kei-si-tan-yahn, yeah?”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“No,” he chuckled, “It really isn’t.”
“Hmph. You all look the same anyway. See you tomorrow, Singh.”
She trundled off, the cigarette trailing from the side of her mouth. As she walked, she scanned the ground in front of her. No doubt looking for more cardboard to fill her cart. He watched her disappear around the corner, and then turned away.
And that was when he noticed him.
Across the street, a man stood behind a large black van. There was nothing so remarkable about his appearance: he was much older than Nasir, short and slightly bow-legged, a Chinese fellow with indeterminate facial features. No, what stood out about him was his stance. Had his knees been bent but a little further, Nasir would have described him as crouching. In his small hands he clutched a thick, bulky yellow umbrella. Nasir did not know why, but he was sure that the man was following somebody.
The man noticed Nasir observing him and abruptly straightened. For a long moment, they stared at one another. Then without a word he did a three sixty and darted off.
Nasir raised an eyebrow. Weird. The guy had a strange shuffling gait too, like a crab that had learned to walk forwards instead of sideways. He probably had a few screws loose in his head, but then again, many people were that way around here, especially the old and the senile. It was the loneliness that did it, that and the lifetime spent in cramped, suffocating shoebox apartments. At least, that was the theory.
He forgot all about it when his phone chimed. Arnav had replied; they were to meet in fifteen minutes at the usual place. He grinned and started walking.
The night market was at its most hectic, thronged with tourists and middle-aged wives buying their vegetables. He passed under the great red archway and the lanterns strung out on lines, walked down the bustling rows of shops with their low canvas roofs, past the watch salesmen with their knock-off Rolexes, the tables of electronic toys, the miniature drones that spun and flashed in time with chimes of glitzy music. Nasir turned left at the intersection where the broad round tables were set out for the open-air restaurants, gagging at the smell of beer and lobster. He was wandering among the fruit stalls, where they sold everything from lychees to jackfruit, when Arnav called to him.
“Oy, gaandu! You here to buy mangoes all night or what?”
“Peace, brother.” He raised a hand in greeting.
“Yeah, yeah. Come over here, I’ve been waiting for you.”
He took Nasir aside to a nearby alleyway, where the pipes gushed and pools of iridescent murk gleamed with what little light could find its way through the twisting paths, between the tall, brooding tenement blocks whose vacant windows were like so blank faces, hearing and seeing nothing. He bought a gram of orange kush, which Arnav fished out of the lining of his Adidas jacket. Before parting ways they jawed for a while, talking of cousins and mutual relations in juvenile or jail, and of what the tai lou’s were hustling these days out of the shady backside of Hong Kong’s dockyards.
Nasir went cheerfully down the path, dodging the trash heaps and the occasional puddles of sick. A lifetime on these streets had made him quite at home in this crooked maze, and he knew quite a few shortcuts. In a while, he would be home, and then he would take the lift up to rooftop on the 30th floor, where he would roll one out and enjoy it in peace.
He stumbled just then on something soft. A solitary shoe, lying forlorn upon its side. He paused to examine it, and as he did so, he heard behind him soft footfalls.
He glanced back and saw a shape dart quickly out of sight. There were dozens of doors along the walls, the back entrances to restaurants, auto repair shops and so-called ‘foot massage parlours’, but all of these were bolted shut. He had never before noticed how deep the shadows grew in these quiet places. A step or two to the side and one could vanish completely from view. He had heard stories from up the grapevine, of people going missing like that, disappearing into the very cracks of the pavement.
Nasir had no desire to be among them, and practically sprinted toward the nearest intersection, heart hammering against his chest. He swerved right on the first turning, then right again when he passed a barrel of corrugated scrap. Above him a cat’s eyes gleamed amber in dark. At the far end, he saw figures loom against the neon glare of the night market. Immense relief flooded over him as he strode towards it. Halfway there, however, he found her.
Her cart was overturned, sheets of cardboard spilling all over, empty bottles of Coke and 7-up rolling in the gutters. A trail of crimson ran on the damp ground and dragged along the wall, ending in the mouth of an open manhole. Her legs were sticking out of it. One of her feet was bare, and the other wore the remaining shoe. Pink, with white laces.
Behind him, someone kicked aside a soda can. Nasir spun around and beheld the man creeping forward silently on his toes. He was holding his umbrella before him like a lance.
“She…she’s-” Nasir gestured, unable to express his mounting horror.
“Dead, yes.” The man brushed past him and knelt down, surveying the grim scene.
“Looks like they miscalculated the service pipe’s diameter.”
“Not wide enough. But they’ll be back for her soon, I’m sure.”
“Who’ll be back?”
“You sure ask a lot of questions.”
The man turned and looked Nasir straight in the face.
“Oh, but I forgot. This isn’t your first language is it? There, is that better?”
Nasir blinked. The man had just transitioned from Cantonese to Urdu, his native tongue.
“Now then. While it is regrettable that you had to witness this, while you’re here you might as well be of use. So hold this.”
He took a torch from his pocket and handed it to Nasir.
“Keep it steady.”
Nasir complied, barely thinking. He thumbed it on and pointed the beam at the corpse, and stood awkwardly to one side.
“Um. Shouldn’t we call the police, sir?” He said tremulously.
“Shush.” The man crouched low and tensed. He held his ear close to the tangled mass of piping next to him, and listened intently. “Here they come!” he whispered. He brought up his huge and bulky umbrella. It was wrapped in a thick sleeve of synthetic cotton, which he now removed, revealing a twisted mass of circuitry and metal beneath.
Secured to the handle and frame with a wad of duct tape were six heavy duty triple-A Duracell batteries. The terminals of were connected to a compact circuit board, festooned with a complicated array of capacitors and resistors. This arrangement ended with several thick spools of thin wiring, threaded into what looked like barbed fishing hooks, all sharpened and hammered straight.
“What is that?”
“Get ready! There’s a whole lot of them down there!”
Nasir now heard a faint pattering from within the sewers, of many tiny forms scampering in the dampness beneath the earth. The woman’s legs began to twitch, as an unseen force began pulling her body further inside. Whatever it was, it was strong. Her body began to compress, like a cork forced down the neck of a champagne bottle, ribs snapping like toothpicks. Bile rose out of his stomach at the sight of this, and he retched.
“I said hold it steady!” The man yelled.
He pressed the umbrella’s button. The spring, lengthened and strengthened by some process of heat treatment, shot forward with vicious speed. A cluster of sharp barbs flew into the sewer mouth. There was a flash of white, and a screech of agony. There was the smell of cooked flesh. The man racked back the spring and put another spool of wire in place, but before he could discharge again he leapt back with a curse.
A rat had scuttled out from hole in the ground, spitting with hatred. Only, it wasn’t a rat. It couldn’t be, because no rat Nasir had ever seen had such sharp spines or jointed, bony things like fingers sprouting out of its singed grey fur.
There was a wet squelch as the man stomped on it with his boot. The thing shuddered and lay still. The man stomped on it until it was a red paste. The scuttling had reached a crescendo. Pieces of her began to fall off around the edges, tearing away from the friction like the peel of an orange. With an obscene plop, she was pulled completely inside. Just how many of them there were was uncertain, but now the sound of their tiny feet sounded like rainwater gushing down the mountainside.
“Kid! You still with me?” He said over his shoulder. “I have to keep my eyes on this. Reach into my backpack. There’s a bottle in there, a big one. Take it out.”
Nasir heard the desperate urgency in his voice, fumbled at the zippers and lifted it out. It was a large gallon jug, filled with a mud-grey solution.
“Now pour it in. All of it. And if you want to keep your skin, don’t let it drip on you.”
In moments it became apparent why he said this. As Nasir poured the contents of the bottle, a thick, choking cloud arose. They backed away, covering their noses as the very iron hissed and began to melt away. The scampering subsided.
When the acrid gases dissipated and they could approach again, she was gone. The man followed the sound of her scraping the sides of the pipe until it passed under a building. When they shone the torch inside they found the burnt and slightly runny remains of a dozen of the rat-things.
“Was that acid?”
“Drainage cleaner. Concentrated it myself. Nasty, but it hurts them all the same. Woah! Steady on there, friend!”
Nasir’s legs had wobbled out from beneath him. His head felt light and dizzy.
“You alright?”
“She bought them today. Real cheap, and they were just her size.”
He could recognize the hysteria in his voice, but couldn’t help himself.
“Did you know her?”
“She liked Camels best. But I always had Marlboros.”
He fell to his knees, wheezing and weeping. The man stood and regarded him for a moment, before putting a gentle arm around his shoulders, saying:
“Alright, that’s enough. Get up kid.” He hoisted him to his feet and dusted him off
“Come on. Let’s find you somewhere to sit down, yeah?”

He took him to the nearest noodle place, a grimy little hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Steam rose from the vats of broiling beef broth, and behind the glass counter, a cook carved pork belly on a wide wooden slab.
The man’s name was Lam. That was all he would say as they waited for their order, and when their bowls came he did not speak at all, but concentrated solely on noisily slurping down every drop and morsel. Nasir on the other hand peered into the depths of his soup and fought down the urge to vomit uncontrollably.
“Ahhh,” Lam set down his chopsticks with a sigh, “Shrimp wontons. They are one of the things I love most about this city, this whole place even. Hey,” he frowned at Nasir, who hadn’t touched his own food, “what’s the matter with you?”
Nasir quietly pushed it back, and asked:
“How is it that you can speak my language?”
“So what if I can?”
“But you’re Chinese.”
“Let’s just say I’ve been around,” the man’s eyes tightened into slits, “Besides, what we’re discussing would probably upset some people if they heard it,” he gestured at the handful of patrons around them, eating their dinners, “So let’s stick to it, yes?”
They continued their conversation in Urdu, with a smattering of English thrown in for the more technical terms.
“Alright. How long have you been hunting those things in the sewers?”
“For a while now. And they don’t live in the sewers. That’s just one of the ways they-ahem-can acquire people. It gives them access to the blind spots, the nooks and crannies of the city, if you will.”
“Were they…eating her?” He stared into the depths of his soup, and fought back the urge to vomit again.
“In a sense, yes. Not for nourishment, you understand. You noticed, I’m sure, that the ones we saw tonight inhabited the bodies of black rats?”
Nasir nodded, shuddering at the remembrance of the little skull that had been caved in, and the masses of ridged orange polyps sprouting from the brain, swelling with vile stinking pus. Black veins, laced like spider webs, had coated its entrails and the surface of every bloody organ. And it had still been alive. Amid the darkness and the murk, the jagged length of claws and mandibles that had been the creature’s tail had begun to detach. Lam had poured the remaining sulphuric acid onto it, dissolving it into rancid goop.
“You see, they have this disturbing habit of repurposing the tissue of their vessels. Improving them as they see fit. And for that, they require biomass.”
He paused to sip at his milk tea, and then continued.
“Usually they synthesize the proteins on their own, in a vat, but that’s too slow. Or they go fishing for stray dogs or cats (that’s why you don’t see those around very often). But human tissue has such an excellent in-built nervous system that sometimes, they take the risk of abducting one. When they do decide to take one, they research on their target. Methodically. In this city, they go for the older demographic. The ones with no family to ask after them when they disappear. The unemployed, the homeless who sleep in the subways and the public parks or under bridges. When they disappear, all that happens is the city cleaning crews come the next day and sweep out their belongings, maybe spray the place with high-pressure hoses and call it good riddance.
“Why haven’t you told anybody this? The police, the authorities? For God’s sake, I just saw someone get dragged into a hole in the ground until her bones popped! That kinda shit is not from this world!”
The man chuckled grimly.
“Oh, you have no idea how right you are there.”
“You mean to say, that they’re…” Nasir swallowed hard.
“Yes.” The man said simply, and drained the last of his cup. He stood to leave, his bulky umbrella up on one shoulder.
“I’m sorry you had to see all that. You were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, kid. In fact, I’m sorely puzzled as to why you were even there in the first place.”
Nasir felt at the gram of ganja in his pocket, and declined to answer that question. Instead, he asked one of his own:
“That weapon you have. What is it?”
“It’s basically a modified taser. I cobbled it together from some old power tools and the coils of an electric fan. See, they don’t care about physical trauma like we do, because they can block off any signals from the meat’s pain receptors. But they do use the motor cortex to control their vessels. Pre-synaptic neurons sparking and triggering action potentials, which travel to muscle fibres and glands and so fo[u1] rth. Useful system for them. However, when you shoot sufficient amperage into that, just like with us, it paralyzes them completely. Renders the vessel useless, so they come crawling out. It’s a self defence mechanism of theirs, and it makes killing them that much easier.”
“Think you could make another one?”
The man sat back down, eyeing Nasir in disbelief.
“I don’t think so. Do you really want to do all that again?” He jerked his head in the direction of the alley.
Nasir took a deep breath, and said:
“Listen. That woman passed by my street every day for fifteen years. Rain or shine, pushing her little cart, asking no favours from anybody. I never once saw her go begging. Until one day, she asked me for a smoke. I gave it to her, because I figured if anyone deserved one, she did.”
Nasir shut his eyes and ground his teeth together.
“It turns out, in all the time I knew her, I never bothered to ask her name. Now she’s been erased, and nobody will remember the little old lady who pushed her cart down the street. Except for me.”
He looked Lam straight in the eye.
“So no, I wouldn’t mind doing all that again.”
Lam shook his head.
“Are you sure? Because let me tell you; you have no idea what you’re getting into.”

“Then why don’t you tell me?”
“Well, in that case,” Lam ordered another tea-and-coffee. “We’re gonna be here a while.”
And as he sipped it, he told him.
A week later, Nasir put on his uniform and went to Ka Lei Gai Pa Secondary School in the Sham Shui Po district. He skipped the morning periods and came in during lunch, when the gates were open and the crowds were heading out to eat.
He went straight up to the library on the seventh floor and found Jay and Christen at their usual table, glaring in concentration at the chessboard between them. Nasir stood behind Jay in silence, then nudged his rook to d5.
“Check.” He told Christen with a grin. Jay jumped in his seat, startled.
“Oy! Look who finally decided to show up!”
Jay said as they exchanged the usual handshake-chestbump combination. Jay Chow was as thin as a stork, small, slight, and wearing square glasses that took up most of his face. Christen Rai was thickset, with rounded shoulders and a barrel body, courtesy of his Gurkha heritage. They were the two smartest guys in the senior year. They shared classes in Physics, Chem and Bio, and were best friends.
“So what’s the deal, big guy? Why’d you come? I thought you were set on flunking out of this place?” joked Christen.
“Screw you. I still have a week before they can suspend me. No, the only reason I’m here is so I can ask you guys a question.”
“Alright. What is it?” Jay put aside the board and looked at him quizzically.
“Aliens. Tell me everything you know about them.”
Christen burst out laughing.
“Well, shit man. I thought were gonna ask something serious, like how much they’ll pay you mopping the floor at McDonalds.” He grinned as Nasir gave him the finger, then continued, “But sure, I can tell you about that. I say they probably exist.”
“Yeah. Since the universe is so large, the chemical components necessary for the abiogenesis of life are found almost everywhere. You only need water, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur etc. Oh, and source of heat. Then-poof!-you got self-replicating molecules.”
“As usual, you’re oversimplifying everything,” said Jay in disgust, “You just skipped over eighty percent of the requirements. Plus, what you meant was extra-terrestrial intelligence, right Nasir? If so, then the odds against it are even steeper.”
“Didn’t you read the news?” demanded Christen, outraged. “In our galaxy alone they’ve found thousands of exoplanets! It’s pretty much a guarantee-”
“Drake equation!” countered Jay, “Each one of those planets would have to be within the habitable zone of their system, and they’d have to possess just the right temperature for that whole RNA-world to exist. And that’s just a theory[u2] , mind you, and one that many scientists have come to doubt. Even supposing they could manage that, they’d have to survive eons of hostile conditions long enough to evolve into multi-cellular organisms-”
“Then what about the people at SETI? You calling them idiots?”
“No, I’m calling you an idiot.”
The argument quickly became heated, as expected. Christen grasped a chess piece and was about to lob it at Jay’s head, when Nasir smoothly interjected.
“So you guys disagree, right?”
“No. It’s just that one of us is wrong and has yet to admit it.” Jay said haughtily.
“Oh yeah? What was your score in the last exam again?”
“Ladies, ladies please. I get it, you’re both pretty.”
The two intellectuals glared at him. He held his hands up, palms outward, saying:
“What if I told you I could settle this debate?”
“What do you mean?”

“I mean what I just said.”
Jay and Christen both began telling him to perform an anatomically impossible feat of oral dexterity, but stopped when they saw his deadpan face.
“You’re goddamn serious, aren’t you?” said Jay, wonder in his voice.
“Come with me after school, and I’ll show you.”
When the final bell rang, as agreed, they met outside the school gate.
“What’s that for?” asked Christen when Nasir emerged. Before leaving, he had visited the PE storage room, and with the help of some bent hairpins and a judicious amount of wiggling with the padlock tumblers, had acquired for himself a hefty cricket bat with a firm rubber grip.
“You’ll see.”
They walked towards the inner bay area, to the smaller docks by the breakwater, where the squat office blocks of the port authorities stood next to towering stacks of storage crates. The silent crane barges loomed in the distant waters, and the smell of diesel and algae bloom wafted in with the sea breeze.
The place was deserted, the crane operators and longshoremen having gone home for the night. On every side stretched vast concrete lots, abandoned and empty save for the dust and weeds. The three of them stood by the rusty wire fencing of one of these, beneath a solitary lamppost.
“If this is all some cheap prank, you may consider our friendship terminated.” Christen told Nasir with asperity.
“Give him time. He’ll be here.”
“I don’t like this. We probably look real stupid hanging around here,” said Christen, shifting from one foot to the other, “How about we just call it a draw and go home?”
“Draw my ass.” Jay scoffed.
“There he is.” Nasir pointed as the large black Toyota rolled furtively into view, and came to a slow halt a few meters away.
“In there?” Jay pointed sceptically at the van with its grimy tinted windows.
“I know how it looks, but just trust me, okay? Hey!” he waved at the windshield, “Open up!”
The window by the driver seat came down and revealed Lam. He waved back at them.
“Does he by any chance have candy in there?”
Nasir rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Jay.” With a loud clunk, the large back door came unlocked, and Nasir swung it open. Lam got out and helped him unpack their things.
“Wow!” Christen exclaimed, “You guys planning to break into a jewellery store?”
Heavy gear littered the carpeted floor. An oversized car battery with jumper cables attached sat behind the passenger seat. Next to it were a shovel, a pick, and some plastic hardhats, all of which were still dirty with the soil from the construction site from which they had been stolen. A thick spool of copper wiring hung from a rack on one side, along with hammers, wrenches, a bolt cutter and sections of PVC piping.
There were other, stranger things in there, bits and ends of electronic junk taped and soldered together with seemingly haphazard intention. The most curious of these was an odd spheroid, bulging with lenses and antennas, made from a bunch of tiny CCTV cameras fused with a wifi modem and the desiccated remains of a disassembled drone.
“I still have misgivings about this.” Lam murmured to Nasir as they made their preparations.
“Relax,” Nasir peered surreptitiously over his shoulder at Jay and Christen, who were watching them from a safe distance, “They’re the smartest people I know. They’re the only ones who’ll believe us.”
“I still think the two of us would be sufficient.”
“If there are as many of them as you say, we’re gonna need all the help we can get. And these guys are crazy enough to actually do it.”
“Is that guy speaking Urdu?” asked Christen.
“Yeah. This is Mr. Lam. Lam, meet my friends from school.”
Mahn on.” Lam said to Jay first in Cantonese. He bowed slightly to Christen, touching his palms and fingertips together. “Namaste.”
Christen was stunned.
“You know Nepalese too?”
“Cantonese will work just fine, Lam. It’s our common language.”
Lam nodded. He crawled inside and rummaged around until he found the large bundle wrapped in green tarpaulin.
“Give us a hand here, boys.”
“This is crazy,” said Jay. “Absolutely insane.”
Christen shrugged and helped them move it. Lam heaved it to the back, and then unfurled the tarp.
“What the-” Christen backpedalled away in surprise.
An entire pig carcass stared up at them through blank, dead eyes, drained of most of its blood but still fresh from when the butcher had laid it open. Its flesh was dripping with some glistening, salty liquid.
Tiu!” Jay swore, “Nasir, what are we doing here!”
“Just trust me!” Nasir yelled at them, “Listen to what he has to say!”
Quietly, Lam dragged the car battery into place and took down the spool.
“Where’d you get it?” asked Nasir as he watched him work. The pork made him uncomfortable, as it was haram meat, and he avoided touching it with his bare hands.
“Bought it at the wholesale supermart down the road.”
“Not the pork. The Motolite battery.”
“Found it.” Lam replied cryptically. Meanwhile, Jay paced up and down the pavement, wringing his hands.
“Man, I knew you hung out with some shady sonsofbitches, Nasir, but this is just messed up.”
Lam looked up at Jay, and then said calmly:
“I can understand why you’d say that. It’s Jay, isn’t it?”
“You’ve been telling this creep about us?” Jay asked Nasir. “To hell with this. I’m out.”
Jay began to walk away.
“He said you were scientists. Or rather, that you wanted to be.”
Jay whirled around.
“Yeah? What about it?” he yelled.
“Well then. Consider this an experiment.”
“On what, huh? How to conduct animal abuse?”
“It’s already dead. For obvious ethical reasons, I declined to use a live specimen.”
Lam unwound the spool. The wire consisted of two thick lengths braided together. A large section of it was bare, the plastic coating stripped away, orange metal shining.
“You see, this area is one of their favourites,” He passed it into the body of the pig, making sure it contacted with as much surface area as possible. “I have coated the surface of this cadaver with a certain solution that gives off the chemical signature of putrescence[u3] . I think you can smell that for yourselves.”
Indeed, their eyes had begun to smart from the stench that was now emanating from it.
“They will soon locate this and attempt to claim it for biomass. Or as a vessel, since it’s relatively still fresh.”
He clamped down one of the leads to one of the bare ends.
“The solution also serves as an electrolyte. Better conduction.”
“So this is bait?” Christen asked, folding his arms. “How do you know they’ll bite? If they even exist at all, they’d have to be pretty stupid to fall for this.”
“Not really. It’s common around here for things to fall out of trucks driving from the marketplace.”
“Yeah, but a whole pig? C’mon.”
“It will be immensely valuable to them.”
“Shit, Chris. Don’t tell me you’re buying into this crap.” Jay said.
“I’m honestly curious to see how this’ll go.” A maverick grin had spread onto Christen’s face, and his almond eyes glinted with possibilities.
“So you’re staying?”
Christen shrugged again.
“Got nothing better to do. You?”
Jay stared as them as though he could see their sanity slowly draining away.
“So where’ll we dump this thing?” Nasir asked. Lam gestured to the east. There in the dimness of the evening they saw the opening of the small access road, paved with ancient red brickwork, curving away out of sight behind a disused flyover.
“Large, empty, dark spaces. Extensive brush and vegetation,” he pointed at the thick growths of weeds and bushes growing along the crumbling path. “These are good hiding places for them.”
“Alright. Let’s go.” Nasir said, and the three of them piled in, Lam taking the wheel. The engine started up with a phlegmy cough. Christen held open the back door and they all looked at Jay expectantly. He glared back at them, threw up his hands and said:
“I should call the cops on you crazy bastards.” But he climbed in all the same.
It was a narrow place. They parked at the end of it, and lugged the bait as far as the spool would run. Then they set it down, ran back, and waited.
They watched through the tinted windows. The thick line connecting to it was barely visible -Lam had hidden it with handfuls of dead leaves. Nasir held the unconnected lead in his hand, far from its terminal, and Lam kept his eyes glued to the rear-view mirror.
A cool summer breeze rustled among the short hackberries lining the path. They couldn’t feel it in the humid interior of the vehicle, sweat ran from every pore. After a while, Chris cleared his throat and said:
“How about I run to the Circle K and get us all some drinks?”
“Quiet!” snapped Nasir and Lam together. For though the boughs of the trees had ceased to sway, the bushes were still moving. Jay uttered a brief prayer to his Catholic God as something crawled out of the undergrowth.
It was huge. Nasir had been expecting another one of the rat-things, but this creature was about two meters long, end to end. It slithered with its belly to the ground, an uncertain shape shrouded in rags. It came up to the swine and examined it, pawing at it with a deliberate manner that was far too intelligent for any mere animal. It sniffed at the strange meat, turning it over with a easy flick. It seemed confused.
Lam keyed the ignition, and lit the place up. There, blinking in the red and white glare of the rear-end lights, was what had once been a man. In his mouth he held the naked metal of the cord.
Nasir clamped down the lead. Sparks flew. They saw a blinding brilliant flash across the creature’s frame, saw it leap five feet into the air with an inhuman shriek. It dropped back down with a heavy thud. Jay and Christen were up in an instant, shouting and stomping their feet, mad with panic.
“You killed him!”
“Holy shit!”
“It’s not a man! It’s one of them!”
“What did you do? My God! Why did you do that?”
Nasir snatched at him, but he was too quick. Jay pushed the door open and ran out. He sprinted to the body, knelt next to it and did a quick survey of the damage. He tore open the shirt and saw smoke rising from the chest area, smelling of crisp meat. He yelled:
“Hey! I think he’s still breathing! Anybody know CPR?”
He turned to look back at them, and so did not see the creature raise itself up on all six of its limbs. The extra ones were sprouting out from its back. They were long, hooked and serrated, like the cruel arms of a mantis.
“Get down!”
Nasir came up, roaring and swinging the bat in a wild arc. It caught it on the chin, and it staggered back. He bludgeoned it repeatedly, but for all his wiry strength, he might as well have been slapping it with a limp fish. He brought the edge down hard, to stave in its head. Its jaws distended and stretched wide, it caught the bat in its teeth and bit it in two. In the recesses of its throat, thorny tendrils lashed and writhed. It reached for him, and he stumbled away.
Tires squealed as Lam backed over it with the Toyota. They heard its spine break as its lower body went under the rear bumper. Christen, swearing wildly, leaned over it as it lay stunned.
Laro chus, maderchod!”
He clamped both leads directly onto its face.
As it fried, Lam handed them the digging tools.
“Take it apart,” he said. And they did. When they were finished, it was unrecognizable. Lam waited patiently for it to slither out of the ruined vessel, and then trapped it in the beer cooler.
“They’re getting bigger.” He told Nasir.
(pls let me know if you want to read part 2. thank you bros)
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